Introduction to Michael Math
The Michael Teachings use the "rule of 7." That is, every aspect of the personality system identifies groups of seven - Seven roles, seven goals, seven attitudes, etc. The exception to this is the body type, which has more than seven. To understand a person's personality and "influences," it helps to see the relationships of the numbers assigned to each of the components. This is what is known as "Michael Math." Before diving into the exercise, review the examples, then use the step-by-step method to complete the charts for your own personality overleaves and influences. Translate the numbers into colors, musical instruments or musical notes, if that works better for you.
Aspect |
Description |
Axis |
Related Number |
Related Role |
Role | Priest | Inspiration | 6 |
Priest |
Goal | Growth | Inspiration | 6 |
Priest |
Attitude | Pragmatist | Assimilation | 4 |
Scholar |
Mode | Observation | Assimilation | 4 |
Scholar |
Dragon1 | Arrogance | Inspiration | 6 |
Priest |
Dragon2 | Stubbornness | Assimilation | 4 |
Scholar |
Center | Intellectual | Expression | 2 |
Artisan |
Trap | Emotional | Inspiration | 1 |
Server |
Inspiration Axis |
Server | 1 |
Priest | 3 |
Total: | 4 (50%) |
Expression Axis: |
Artisan | 1 |
Sage | 0 |
Total: | 1 (12.5%) |
Action Axis |
Warrior | 0 |
King | 0 |
Total: | 0 ( 0 %) |
Assimilation Axis |
Scholar | 3 |
Total: | 3 (37.5%) |
Aspect |
Description |
Axis |
Related Number |
Related Role |
Casting | Scholar | Assimilation | 4 |
Scholar |
Essence Twin | Artisan | Expression | 2 |
Artisan |
Soul Age | Old | Expression | 5 |
Sage |
Soul Level | 3rd Level | Action | 3 |
Warrior |
Body Type1 | Mars | Action | 3 |
Warrior |
Body Type2 | Mercury | Expression | 5 |
Sage |
Entity Number | 6th | Inspiration | 6 |
Priest |
Family Imprinting | Warrior | Action | 3 |
Warrior |
Other Imprinting | Warrior | Action | 3 |
Warrior |
Global Job | Productivity | Action |
3 |
Warrior |
Entity Block | Communication | Expression |
5 |
Sage |
Number in each category (Percent)
Axis | Role Influence |
# |
Role Influence | # | Total (Percent) |
Inspiration Axis |
Server | 0 |
Priest | 1 |
1 (9%) |
Expression Axis: |
Artisan | 1 |
Sage | 3 |
4 (36%) |
Action Axis |
Warrior | 5 |
King | 0 |
5 (45%) |
Assimilation Axis |
Scholar | 1 |
1 (9%) |
Total items: 11
Number in each category (Percent)
Axis | Role Influence |
# |
Role Influence | # | Total (Percent) |
Inspiration Axis |
Server | 1 |
Priest | 4 |
5 (26%) |
Expression Axis: |
Artisan | 2 |
Sage | 3 |
5 (26%) |
Action Axis |
Warrior | 5 |
King | 0 |
5 (26%) |
Assimilation Axis |
Scholar | 4 |
4 (21%) |
Total items: 19
A "well-balanced" personality has traits in all four axes.
Notice where your clusters fall - are they primarily in one or two axes? Where is your personality light? Which neutral overleaves can you use to compensate for the weaker axis?
In the examples under "basic personality overleaves," I have the most aspects on the Inspiration Axis (more Priest than Server) and the Assimilation Axis; less on the Expression Axis, and no aspects on the Action axis.
In "other influences," I have most in Action and Expression, with less in Inspiration aspects. On the combined summary, I have them evenly divided in Inspiration, Expression and Action with a little less on the Assimilation axis.
Keep in mind that this is a simplified exercise in the use of Michael math for achieving balance. The overleaves and their associated numbers have varying amounts of "strength" for each person - each person is unique. Use this information like all of the Michael Teachings - validate it for yourself and use what works for you.
If you are more comfortable with color or music, you might substitute color or music values for the numbers. For example, you could color the parts of The Game Board for your overleaves and notice the color patterns in your personality.
People who have the neutral overleaves (assimilation axis) can slide to one of the other positions in order to balance or draw out other skills. As older souls, we've probably used all of the other overleaves at some time. We just need to remember that we have those past experiences to draw from.
To compensate for my weakness on the Action axis, I often slide from Observation to Perseverance when I need to get things accomplished. Less often, I slide from Observation mode to Power mode to add more force to my work (as in public speaking). I sometimes use my Warrior soul level to help me stay focused and productive. The significant Warrior imprinting from my family (Baby Warrior Mother, Mature Warrior husband for 21+ years) comes in handy in dealing with the predominantly Warrior culture in the U.S. Working in the corporate world has also given me constant exposure to Young Warrior imprinting, and helps me relate to "typical" corporate culture. And, I have a Task Companion with Warrior casting and imprinting, who keeps pushing me to move.
My "life task" is to bring spiritual ideas into the practical realm (particularly in the business world). My particular combination of overleaf traits helps with this (Priest Role, Scholar Casting, Observation Mode, Pragmatist Attitude, Warrior soul level, Warrior imprinting).
In addition, I have astrological influences supporting this purpose - most of my planets are in the 9th (search for meaning) and 10th houses (career, work). The purpose of my entity is "communication of information." I'm in the 6th entity within my cadre, providing an inspirational influence to the communication of information. My entity is primarily composed of Priests, Sages and Scholars. Understanding my purpose, helps me be more focused in all areas of my life.
Other related personality traits that affect the uniqueness of each person are: Energy Frequency, Male/Female Balance and Needs (see Other References below).
Use the blank charts for your own personality. Don't be too concerned if you can not fill in all the boxes at first. Using the Michael System is a continual learning process. As you become more familiar with the Michael Teachings and work with its many different components, the various aspects of self will be revealed to you.
Click here for sample blank charts, a fill in the blanks format.
Server Green
Priest Purple (or Violet)
Artisan Indigo
Sage Blue,
Warrior Red
King Orange (or Gold)
Scholar Yellow
Server Do,
Artisan Re,
Warrior Me,
Scholar Fa,
Sage So,
Priest La,
King Ti,
There is more detailed information on Michael Math in the books:
The Personality Game
- A Practical Personality System for the 90's
Famous People -
Personality Attributes of Famous People
Michael Math - Sample-
Understanding "Michael Math" - a sample of how to use it.
Michael Math Forms-
Understanding "Michael Math" - a fill-in-the blanks form.
Numbers - Overview of
the Number Qualities
Advanced Michael Math - The Casting and Entity
Numbering System, Global Jobs and Community Responsibility
Michael Books -
Complete list of Michael Books
Michael Concordance
- Sample of Concordance to the Michael Teachings
Mailing List
- Mailing List Form
Spirituality at Work
- Seven Principles of Spirituality in the Workplace
Copyright � 1996-2000 Barbara Taylor
Information in these pages may be used by the reader for their own personal growth. Copying it or reproducing it in any other way is a violation of copyright laws. And, it creates bad karma!
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Page updated: May 11, 2023
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