August 2016 ~ Credibility Revisited
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2016 ~
Credibility Revisited
I recently served on a jury where the credibility of witnesses played the
determining role in our decision. 
In the case of the jury, we were given certain stipulated facts (agreed upon
by both sides), some documents entered into evidence, and the testimony by the
accusing party and testimony by the defendant. The prosecuting attorney
and defense attorney gave their viewpoints about the case.
Our job was to decide whether the defendant was guilty beyond a reasonable
doubt or not guilty. Because this was a criminal offense, we had to come
to a unanimous decision.
The jury was composed of people from a variety of backgrounds. We were
not allowed to do our own research or background checking so all of our
decisions had to be based only on what happened in the courtroom. All of
the people we encountered on the case were previously unknown to us.
The decision of the jury came down to credibility. We were asked to
1. Whether the prosecution and accusing witness had proven that the
defendant had broken the law.
2. Or, whether the defendant was not guilty of the charges because the
prosecution failed to prove their case.
In our justice system, a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. Our
American jury system is unique in that we bring together 12 people — strangers who
have no prior knowledge of the case — to listen to both sides and make a
unanimous decision. The jury does not decide the punishment for the
crime. A judge sentences the defendant according to the law for the offense
if they are found guilty.
To determine credibility in a jury, we need to decide whether the person making
statements is consistent in the way they present themselves. Are they
calm, excited, angry, overwrought, emotional, thoughtful, consistent,
factual? Do they have other documents or proof that support their version
of what happened? What does their body language say? Does their
version of the facts seem reasonable compared to testimony of other witnesses?
In business, we deal with credibility issues every day. We make
business decisions based on the credibility of the people we interact with as
well as the facts of the situation. In business,
we are usually able to do independent research about issues. We often have
more experience over time with individuals that we work with so we build up a
sense of our experience with them that helps us gauge their credibility for a
new issue.
Some things to consider in evaluating credibility:
- Is the person usually kind, polite, respectful and
considerate? Or are they usually rude, judgmental, angry or
- Does their story match the stories we hear from others
about the same incidents or issues or events?
- Are they consistent in their
behavior and actions over time?
- Can we count on them to be on time, to
deliver their work by deadlines and to own up to their responsibilities?
Do they do what they promise? Or, are they late and make excuses when
things are not done on time or not done correctly?
- Does the person have experience, background, education or other credentials
that show knowledge and understanding of the topic they are discussing?
We learn over time whether someone is usually accurate in the facts they
state or the sources they use. We learn if someone is constantly
"making up stories" rather than reporting actual facts.
People who are honest and consistent in behavior are the ones most trusted
and have the most credibility. People who cannot be counted on are usually
not trusted and have less credibility.
One of the most memorable classes that I took in high school was Critical
Analysis where we had to evaluate written documents, advertisements, television
news reports, and other
material to decide whether they were accurate or not, and why. We spent the
entire year doing this type of homework every week. The skills I learned are still
with me today. I still catch myself looking for additional sources for something
that someone says or re-reading something that seems "off" somehow
until I can understand what bothers me about it.
Trust and credibility are very important in business. If you don’t trust the people
you work with, everyone suffers and the business suffers.
A team is only as strong as the weakest link. A business is only
successful when it has credibility with its customers and clients.
People may not remember what you said and may not remember the details of what
you did. They will remember how they felt during their interactions with
you. Will you leave them feeling good or feeling angry? That's the
essence of credibility.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It (2nd
edition). James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. Jossey-Bass Publishers.
2011. ISBN
- There's No Such Thing As "Business" Ethics: There's Only One
Rule For Making Decisions. John C. Maxwell. 2003, Warner Faith. ISBN:
- The Transparency Edge: How Credibility Can Make or Break You in
Business. Barbara Pagano, Elizabeth Pagano, 2003, McGraw-Hill.
- Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into Personal Power.
Jose Stevens. Bear & Co; (July 1994) ISBN: 1879181177
- The High Price of Manhood: A man's action plan for getting along better
in the 21st century. Michael Jay Anthony. Lulu,
2015. ISBN
(paperback). ISBN
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor.,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website:
Tap into your own creativity and use your full potential. Learn
how to see opportunities that others miss.
Related newsletter article:
September 2013 ~ Credibility
February 1996 ~ Characteristics
of Admired Leaders
February 2004 ~ Corporate Integrity
& Credibility: Why it is so important
November 2000 ~ Effective Written
November 2008 ~ Being trustworthy
won't make you a Trusted Advisor
August 1999 ~ It's the Manager
Who you are speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you are saying ...
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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