February 2013 ~ The Nature of Personal Power
- Know Thyself
- The Nature
of Personal Power
- Lead by Example
- Make Conscious Choices
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
2013 article The Nature of Personal Power
Each of us has unique talents and each person in the world is "one of a
kind." When we discover what our particular unique talents are and
use them to our best ability, we achieve personal power. When we learn to
appreciate other people for their unique talents, we increase our own personal
power as well as acknowledging the personal power of others.
As Socrates said, "Know thyself." As we learn more about who
we are that unique and wonderful person that is like no other on the planet
we have the opportunity to use that knowledge and to operate from the
positive parts of our personality most of the time.
When we operate from the positive attributes of our own unique personality,
we are exercising personal power in a healthy way.
When we learn to think positively regardless of what life throws our way
we can control our thoughts, and therefore, we can control our life.
That is a manifestation of personal power.
When we dont let the unrealistic expectations of others or small
disappointments control how we feel, we are manifesting personal power.
When we teach or coach others, we are helping others to have more power by
our example, and by showing them and teaching them how to use their own personal
When we are open to new ideas, we are manifesting personal power.
When we tell the truth, we are expressing our personal power.
When we are consciously aware of what is happening in our life and make
choices from that conscious place, we are using our personal power.
When we operate from a place of trust, we are expressing our personal power.
When we study subjects that interest us, we are increasing our personal power
through greater knowledge.
When we meditate or listen to that "still small voice" inside, we
are allowing ourselves to feel more powerful.
When we consciously clear our energy field by releasing any "stuff"
that may be keeping us from being powerful, we are then free to be more
When we forgive others, we are freeing ourselves from the bonds of errors or
mistakes, and we become more powerful ourselves.
At every moment of the day, when we make positive conscious choices, we are
exercising and manifesting personal power.
When we acknowledge others in a positive way, we are exercising personal
power. When we have so much personal power that we can share it with
anyone who wants it or needs it asks for it, we become an example of the
positive use of personal power.
When we volunteer and give of our time, talent and treasure, we are
manifesting personal power we are an example of someone who has so much
personal power that we can give it away to help others.
Any time we can be with someone who needs help, we are manifesting personal
power and the other person feels the benefit of that power.
When we set appropriate boundaries, we are exercising personal power.
We can tell people "no" in a way that is respectful to them and takes
nothing away from them. We are acknowledging our own power and our own
right to use our personal power as we decide to use it. The other person
may not like to hear "no" but they will respect us regardless.
As we learn more about the benefits of being a positive person, our ability
to stay positive more of the time is increased and our personal power
increases. Yes, "bad" things happen to positive people.
The powerful person knows that within any "bad" situation, we have a
choice to see it as "bad" or to see it as an opportunity to experience
something new, to make a change or to make a myriad of choices other than simply
calling it "bad" and making ourselves miserable.
A good friend reminds me, "Life is hard sometimes, but misery is
When we make a conscious choice to see a "bad" situation in a
different light, we are expanding ourselves beyond the imaginary limits of our
environment giving us the ability to control our life, which is a huge
manifestation of personal power.
This month, may you exhibit the full personal power that exists in each and
every one of us. The more powerful you are, the more you are a good
example for others. The more that each of us operates from our own
personal power, the more successful we all can become.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
Related newsletter articles:
May 1998 - Expanding your Personal Power
October 1997 - Power and Corporate
June 1997 - Basic Human Needs
October 2010 - Personality types:
The Seven Roles
July 2009 - Life Roles in the
May 2002 - Stress: How It Affects the
Roles We Play
March 2002 - New Models of Education
- Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life ... Ernest Holmes
- I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think
... Socrates
- To find yourself, think for yourself ... Socrates
- Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle ...
- My friend...care for your psyche...know thyself, for once we know
ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves ... Socrates
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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