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January 2003 - Forecast for the Year
- Themes and trends for 2003
- Suggestions
- Disclaimer
- Resources (Internet, books,
movies and music, articles, the
lighter side)
and Trends for 2003
General Themes
- Looking Inward
- Cleaning House — Physically and Metaphorically
- Rebuilding Our Life and Revisiting Our Values
- Deepening Spirituality and Finding Our Own Path
- The Importance of Community and Family
- Seeing the Blessings and Opportunities in a Challenging World
The year 2003 continues to find us struggling to understand the many changes
that have affected us in recent years. As a country, we are deeply divided
about the prospect of war. Those who believe we should attack Iraq or
other countries are very offended by those who feel we should allow diplomacy
and peace to have a chance. This division will not be resolved in this
coming year; we expect it to be a difficult chasm to bridge quickly or
We strongly believe that war is unnecessary. Certainly unprovoked war is
unthinkable for the United States, given the basis of our founding
principles. In the history of our world, we have already learned a great
deal about war and its horrors. To promote the idea of attacking another
country because they don't act as we think they should is appalling to us.
We believe it is not appropriate when there are other many means for resolving
conflicts that are much less destructive. Initiating war can only come
back to us in very negative ways. Other countries (example, North Korea),
now feel they must prepare to defend themselves against US aggression, further
escalating an already tense world.
Thomas Jefferson said the same thing in fewer words,
"War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward
redressing wrong and multiplies — instead of indemnifying — losses."
Martin Luther King Jr. said it very eloquently,
"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a
descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie
nor establish truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate.
In fact, violence merely increases hate.
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper
darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness
— only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate — only love can do that."
As we head into a new year, many people are revisiting their values
and re-evaluating what is important to them. This will continue all year
as we debate the prospect of war, look at how our life might be affected, make
choices about how to live our life and create our own reality. Each
person, business and organization must find their own way through the varying
opinions to decide what is important.
Freedom of speech — while respective the rights of others
— is a dearly held
principle of the US and must continue to be supported if we are to regain the
respect of the rest of the world.
Business scandals, religious scandals, political and economic challenges put
pressure on all of us to be clear about what we want and what we believe is
important to us. We believe this re-evaluation and debate is a very
healthy thing, albeit painful. We must be able to hear others' views as
well as speaking our own.
The damage done to the credibility of large institutions and the general
public's loss of faith in them is clear from the massive business scandals we
have seen in recent years. In 2002, we saw how the bankruptcy of WorldCom
affected the entire telecomm industry with ripple effects throughout the entire
US economy. Arthur Andersen — one of the largest and most respected US
accounting firms — was charged with destroying Enron documents, resulting in a
loss of confidence so severe that Andersen collapsed. Merrill Lynch
— was fined for promoting losing
stocks. Adelphia Communications' owners were very publicly sent to jail in
handcuffs. As a result of the scandals, the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) now requires company officers of public companies to personally
attest to the accuracy of financial results they publish. We expect to see
more interest in auditing and verification services, although perhaps the firms
selected to do the work may no longer automatically be one of the "Big
4" accounting firms (Deloitte & Touche, KPMG Peat Marwick,
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young).
"While WorldCom edged Enron's 2001 bankruptcy as the largest in U.S. history, four other 2002 bankruptcies made the list of the Top 10 all-time largest: Conseco ($61.4 billion), Global Crossing ($25.5 billion), Adelphia ($24.4 billion), and United Airlines' parent UAL ($22.8
billion)," according to the Topeka
In Boston and other cities, the Catholic Church was deluged with lawsuits
charging priests with abusing children and covering up the problem for decades
at least. These charges have seriously challenged one of our oldest and
most respected institutions, requiring them to deal with unpleasant realities
long hidden. The public will no longer blindly ignore institutional
wrong-doing and cover-up.
Even governments are feeling the pinch of forced change as budgets go
negative. California is facing a $34 billion deficit; Washington state is facing
a $2 billing deficit. 37
states were forced to revised their budgets downward due to declining revenues
in 2002. This will force
governments to do what private industry has always had to do: find more
effective, efficient ways to reassure their clients/customers —their taxpayers, voters and rate-payers.
Voters are expressing their displeasure in government
agencies by voting down needed much-needed infrastructure
taxes and bonds. Government agencies will need to learn to perform
efficiently, measure their performance and become accountable to their public in
order to build the trust that they used to have without question.
In 2003, many people will find that "cleaning house" offers
a chance to throw out what is no longer of use to us. This applies to our
physical home, our business or working environment and the larger world
realm. As we go through our "old stuff," we can make a conscious
choice about what is important to us and create new plans for how we want to
proceed in the future. As we let go of the clutter in our lives, we
feel a refreshing sense of hope and optimism for the future. Eventually,
this will be reflected in the larger world reality.
For many people, the recognition that we are not alone will be clearer this
Many people will find their spirituality becoming more important as an
integrated part of their life, not just when they attend formal religious
services. This expression shows clearly in every day news about
spirituality and the growing interest in spirituality in the
workplace. As part of this recognition, more people will realize that
when we are all connected and affected by each other. The more healthy,
strong, prosperous, honest and positive we are individually, the more those
attributes are enhanced for everyone. If we are unhealthy, weak, dishonest
and fearful individually, the more those attributes will be true for
everyone. Ernest Holmes reminds us of this with his classic Change
your thinking, change your life philosophy. We do not advocate any
particular religion and believe each person must find their own path to a truth
that works for them.
In 2003, we may find deeper meaning and greater joy in our family, our community
and our inter-personal relationships than in our pursuit of money, fame
or fortune. We may find we want a different working experience that
supports who we are rather than just a paycheck from a job that we don't like. We may find that we want
to be in a different type of business or we may choose to pursue a different
form of education. Many people will find they want to make different
choices about how they spend their waking hours.
We expect the entertainment industry to benefit from positive, upbeat
movies, shows and events to help us cope with the many challenges facing
us. We expect that musicals, comedy and fantasy of all kinds will continue
to do well in 2003. Movies such as Harry Potter, Star Trek and
Lord of the Rings help us see that magic is possible, restoring our faith
for a short while at least. My Big Fat Greek Wedding reminds of how
much fun we can have living an ordinary life. Solaris and Catch Me If You Can remind
us of the power of our mind to create our reality. Gangs of New York
starkly reminds us how far we have come and how far we have yet to go as a
society toward peace-making. We expect to see nostalgia show up in
events and products as people search for memories of better times to help them
cope with the year's challenges.
The role of the media and ethics will continue to be questioned in
2003. When does
telling a story objectively cross over into creating fantasy or unconsciously
promoting your own interests (or your company's interests)? Can these
two markets ethically co-exist within one company? When does the profit motive
overcome the pride of objective journalism? These questions and more will
continue to be asked and debated, perhaps endlessly.
The airline industry continues to adjust to the damage done by the
September 11, 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center towers. Some
people no longer feel it is safe to fly, continuing to affect the ability of all
airlines to be profitable. All airport screeners are now employed by the
federal government, a massive hiring effort of more 50,000 people that required the mobilization of
personnel recruiters like no other in US history. New security measures at
airports have been instituted and more will come in 2003 —
all designed to protect
the public and the airlines from terrorists. US Airways was the first
airline to file in bankruptcy in 2002. United Airlines struggles to stay
in business after declaring bankruptcy in December. The horrendously long
lines at most airport checkpoints have been greatly reduced during 2002, helping
to convince flyers that they can safely fly again and the travel industry
is slowly growing again.
We expect the retail industry to continue to struggle in 2003.
Consumers are realizing that the economic recovery that has been promised for
the past 2 years is not coming quickly. Continued drops in the stock market value of
individual retirement funds and investment portfolios combined with lack of wage
increases will further reinforce cautious, cost-conscious buyers. Consumer
confidence carried us a long way through a difficult economy. With
unemployment rising around the world and constant talk of war, we expect consumers to
be cautious and prudent in 2003, searching for bargains and good value at
reasonable prices.
The technology sector — a bright spot for many
years — has not
rebounded. We don't see any major improvements in 2003 either. We
expect to see growth in products and services related to security, privacy and
working more efficiently. Economic benefits will come from incremental efficiencies and productivity improvements
based on solid improvements and healthy teamwork, not "flash" and
"dazzle." Corporate decision-makers are looking much more
closely and cautiously at technology investments than they did a few years
ago. Even Microsoft — the darling of the stock market a few short
years ago — is facing pressure to pay dividends from its $40 billion+ cash hoard,
according to the Associated
We expect hype of new technology gadgets to continue in 2003. Savvy
buyers will know what they want, then demand good products, reasonable prices and
good customer service. Technology companies who heed their customers'
needs rather than constantly pushing shoddy products will do well if they stick
to the basics.
The Internet continues to grow exponentially as more and more people
and countries become connected. The growing availably and of high-speed
access through cable and DSL have made the Internet experience much more
powerful and less time-consuming. As higher speeds become available,
vendors are pushing more services to the desktop, creating clutter and protests
about overloading websites with advertising. Personal firewalls are
now required for more people — especially cable and DSL users — improving
the market for products such as ZoneAlarm.
Proliferation of serious virus attacks by e-mail has been lessened due to
more active use of virus blocking programs, such as PC-cillin.
Many of the popular virus programs now come with integrated firewall protection,
which keeps your computer from being accessed by unwanted intruders. Other
increasingly popular programs are advertising blockers such as AdSubtract
to speed up your computer and block annoying ads and pop-up windows.
[Note: we use the software products mentioned and do not receive any
benefit from naming them.]
One major problem limiting the Internet's potential is the exponential
growth of spam, especially pornographic and obscene messages that flood even
light users. There is no easy answer to solving this widespread problem. The
state of Washington has successfully sued one company who violated state
laws against spamming residents. Other states have laws against sending unsolicited
mail. However,
they are largely un-enforced due difficulties in locating the spammers. Even the European
Union came out with a tough policy on spam requiring "opt-in"
provisions. Even with current penalties available, the average person does
not have the ability to file a lawsuit themselves if if they knew who to sue. Large Internet service
providers, such as Earthlink
and AOL, offer the ability to
screen out spam providing some relief. New software spam-related products now available
that can be used by anyone, such as MailWasher,
is becoming a growth niche in the otherwise lackluster software industry.
Scandals in the energy industry have eroded investor confidence in
what used to be a solid growth industry. Lawsuits are still being filed over the
massive overcharging of customers in California and the Northwest by Enron and
others. Even Vice
President Cheney has been drawn into question for his role in consulting
with oil and gas executives in private in developing his energy
The education field continues to change at a glacial pace. We
see little change from our forecast last year. As in any economic
slowdown, education draws in more people than good economic times.
We hope that education will begin to recognize the individual needs of students
rather than using "one size fits all" methods. The fast-paced
changes in technology are helping education more forward and causing the
industry to make changes just to stay current, aggravating already tight
Health care will continue to showcase new products and methods
although the industry continues to struggle with price increases and growing
numbers of people who cannot afford adequate health care.
The recent announcement of human cloning will again raise the question of ethics
and appropriate behavior. More and more people are realizing the
connection between attitude and their health. We expect this trend to
continue as people take more responsibility for their own health care,
questioning their doctors, seeking alternative, holistic methods and learning
more themselves about how to prevent illness.
Privacy and individual rights will continue to be a subject of great
interest by the public, forcing governments to try to deal growing identify
theft and misuse of personal, private information. The European community
has been much farther ahead of the US in this regard. In 2003, we expect some
serious consideration in the US for adopting the European guidelines for data
privacy and protection, over the strident protests of US companies who have
greatly abused information available to them.
All in all, 2003 will probably be a challenging and exciting year with many opportunities
for those who choose to see them. It
is wise to remember that even in "hard times," much personal and
business growth occurs. It is also important to remember that we have
choices in how we view any situation. We can choose to see our glass as half full or
half empty. We can choose to see our life as blessed or stressed.
However you view it, we wish you good health, good friends, good times and
prosperity in 2003.
- Take time to "clean up" your home, your office, your life, your
relationships in 2003. You will feel better and less pressured.
You will also open up a creative space for new things to come into your
- We suggest you do some of the cleaning/clearing before setting strict
goals for 2003 (see exercise below).
- Rather than making new year resolutions that are unrealistic, set
incremental goals for each month. For example, if you want to lose
weight, instead of setting a goal of losing 20 pounds, set a goal of losing
1-2 pounds a month. You will feel less stressed and will be more able
to feel successful with small gains.
- Strive for small, continuous improvements in what already works for you
rather than jumping into radically new things.
- Take time to be with people you care about. If you can't be with
them physically, stay in touch by phone, e-mail or letter.
- Be grateful for the wonderful people in your life. Let them
know that you appreciate them whenever you can. Appreciate other people for who they are and learn from them even
if you don't agree with everything they believe.
- Be grateful for the many blessings in your life. Focus your
attention on the positive aspects of your life rather than stressing over
what you don't have.
- Be grateful for everything you are and everything you have every day.
- Acknowledge the strength you have gained so far and the
progress you make every day, whether grand or slight.
- Take time to reward
yourself for being alive and coping with the physical experience as well for
making progress toward your goals..
- Share yourself honestly and use your talents appropriately.
- Focus on following your own path, not depending on others or external
events to guide you.
- Do something good for yourself every day.
- Find a quiet place and meditate about what you want to release from last year.
- When you are ready, write down what you want to release on a piece of paper.
- Burn the paper, consciously releasing whatever is written there and knowing that it is also gone from your consciousness.
If you are not in a safe place for burning, you can tear it up into little pieces and throw it away.
- Meditate on what you want for 2003.
- Allow yourself to be open to receiving a word, name or short phrase describing who you are in 2003.
- Write down whatever comes to you.
- Spend some time understanding the meaning of that word, name or phrase and allow it to assist you this year.
Find ways to use that word, name or phrase all year. Each time
you use it, reaffirm what it means for you.
This forecast represents our views and opinions. Please, don't just take our
word (or anyone else's) for what will or will not happen. Use whatever methods
work for you in planning for the future. Wise people will use all the forecasts
they can find, then see what feels right for them rather than letting any one
dictate their activities.
No guarantees about the future are implied or given - use our views as you
would anyone's opinions.
Last year's forecast: January, 2002
- Our wishes for you in 2003 http://www.itstime.com/newyear.htm
- Tributes to the American Spirit http://www.itstime.com/tributes.htm
- TIME Europe Forecast 2003 http://www.time.com/time/europe/forecast2003/
(a wealth of articles on many subjects)
- Farmer's Almanac http://www.almanac.com/preview2003/
- Prediction headlines from many magazines http://www.magportal.com/c/bus/future/
- Golden Globe Awards http://www.thegoldenglobes.com/
- e-commerce predictions for 2003 - http://www.ecnow.com/top10trends2003.htm
- Job Outlook 2003 http://www.jobweb.com/joboutlook/default.cfm
- The Year Ahead: Skills Trends for 2003 http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t300-s2127185,00.html
- Peace Center: Breaking the Cycle of Violence Through Circles of Peace
- Journal of Mass Media Ethics http://jmme.byu.edu/vol15_4.html
- Spam Laws - US, Europe and other Countries http://www.spamlaws.com/index.html
- Construction Industry Forecast 2003 http://enr.construction.com/features/bizLabor/archives/021118.asp
- IDC's 2003 Technology Forecast http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t300-s2127480,00.html
- Preview 2003: Preconceptions, predictions and premonitions on the year
ahead http://www.bizforward.com/wdc/issues/2002-11/preview2003/
- Health care trends for 2003 http://www.lsalma.org/Newsletter12.htm
- Entrepreneur Magazine "What's Hot for 2003" http://www.entrepreneur.com/hotcenter/0,6233,,00.html
- "Economic Predictions for 2003" http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/0,4621,304572,00.html
- Alternative Medicine resources http://www-hsl.mcmaster.ca/tomflem/altmed.html
- "Tech Industry May Get Upgrade in 2003" http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-tech31dec31.story
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- "Business and union leaders call for action as corporate failures hit eight-year high"
- "Telecom failures fraying some customer nerves" http://portland.bizjournals.com/portland/stories/2002/07/29/newscolumn2.html
- "Fat cat pay-offs rise despite failures " http://www.accountancyage.com/News/1127141
- "Top 10 business stories" of 2002 http://www.cjonline.com/stories/122902/bus_top10.shtml
- "Travelers Brace for More Complicated Airport Procedures, Including Explosives Searches, in 2003"
- "Year
in Review: 2002" Financial Times
- "Many business sectors face uncertain prospects in 2003" http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20021227/1048801.asp
- "Amid tech slump, Microsoft thrives " http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20021229/1006258.asp
- "EU Data Privacy Rules - Overview" http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/dataprot/
- "EU OKs Spam Ban, Online Privacy Rules" http://www.internetnews.com/IAR/article.php/1154391
- "U.S. companies face stricter privacy rules abroad" http://www.computerworld.com/securitytopics/security/privacy/story/0,10801,64450,00.html
- "What's Next on the Agenda?" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A23997-2002Dec21.html
- "State of Alarm" (ABC news: state government budget crisis) http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/abs_news_body.asp?section=Opinion&OID=12250
- " State Budget Outlook Remains Bleak"
(National Governors Assn.) http://www.nga.org/nga/newsRoom/1,1169,C_PRESS_RELEASE^D_4693,00.html
- "State budget crisis will require sacrifice" http://www.theolympian.com/home/news/20021215/frontpage/28379_ARC.shtml
- "Breaking The News: Do Media Mergers Really Undermine America's Democracy?"
(Book Review by Russ Baker) http://www.russbaker.com/Book%20Review%20Breaking%20The%20News.htm
- "State Prevails in First Spam Case" http://www.wa.gov/ago/releases/rel_spam_091302.html
- "Direct marketers want anti-spam laws" http://news.com.com/2100-1023-962821.html
- "Energy Scandal Widens" http://www.necandeconews.to/portal/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=92
- "Scandal to push systems redesign: Energy firms face need to revamp IT capabilities to monitor online trading"
- "Mark my words: 2003 predictions are winners" http://www.suntimes.com/output/roeper/cst-nws-roep26.html
- American Education Association - current surveys http://www.amedu.com/polls/
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