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January 2008 - Forecast for the new year
- Themes and trends for 2008
- Suggestions and Tips for 2008
- Disclaimer
- Resources (The Lighter Side, Internet resources and
articles, books,
movies and music, International Happy
New Year)
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Themes and Trends for 2008
General Themes
- Personal Power and Authority
- Trusting in our own counsel
- Community in many forms
- Spiritual awareness and deepening
- Change and resistance to change
2007 was a year that seemed to fly away before our eyes. No matter
what we did or how much we tried, we could not keep up with expectations,
workload, e-mail, family demands, and the dizzying amount of technology we saw
in the news. Then, at the end of the year, we hit a lull, a soft spot, a
time when people just wanted to "chill out" and be with people they
cared about. The commercialization of the holiday season (at least in the
US) was lost on many people as they pulled back. Perhaps, they were caught
in some of the disasters and focused their attention on recovering or helping
others recover. Perhaps, they had a family situation that required their
attention. Or, a personal health issue. Commercial sales were down
this holiday season leading to dire predictions of looming recession. With
the political season ramping up quickly in early January, many people simply
didn't care as their attention was focused else.
2008 will be a very interesting year. As each year builds on the
lessons learned from past years, we expect to see people trusting themselves
more and learning to speak out more from their own feelings and beliefs, and less
from what they may have learned from others. We expect to see more people
exercising their own personal power and
feeling more like their own best authority
for their own lives.
In November 2007, our newsletter was about True
Community. This is an area that will
continue to draw people's attention as they find they really do want and need
to connect in a deep way with other people. Their community may be a
family connection, neighborhood connection, work-related or business-related
connection, or interest-based connection. Whatever it is, people will feel
stronger and healthier when they feel the support of others. It's no
surprise that the desire for community has led to the explosion of online
services such as MySpace, Facebook,
ning and many others as people
find ways to keep a connection with others alive at all times.
natural disasters - too many to itemize here - have also emphasized how much we need
each other. Smaller "disasters" tend to bring people
together also - the loss of a friend or family member to an accident, sudden
illness or even long-lasting illness. All of these point out the fragility
of our physical existence and help us to appreciate the need for other people to
help us cope.
It has been proven over and over: We can be happy, healthy, warm and
dry one minute and in a flash, be caught in a situation that we cannot
control. Such situations test our faith in all what we know to be
true. We tend to place a great deal of faith in what we have physically
(our home, our property, our bank account, our job, our family, our friends, our
personal situation) and when that is ripped away from us suddenly, it is very
hard to feel safe and secure. So, Security
continues to be an issue as unpredictable weather patterns and other unknown,
larger forces take a greater amount of our attention and leave us feeling more
vulnerable. Global warming used to be a strange idea held by a few
people. Now, many mainstream scientists tell us that the Earth is warming
up even faster than their most dire earlier predictions. "What will
we do and how will we survive?" is a question that comes to
Ultimately, the only real power we have
comes from our ability to control our own mind. We certainly cannot
control weather, we cannot control other people's actions and we cannot control
corporations or governments, no matter how much we wish that was true. If
our mind is clear and we can trust our own judgment, we become our own authority
and can make decisions based on our own needs and intentions, rather than
someone else's needs. Ultimately, that may be the only real Security
left to us.
Over the past few years, we've studied, debated and considered the issues of
Freedom and Security. This area of interest continues again this year as
the United States looks forward to a major presidential election season that
kicked into high gear in 2007. The candidates of all parties offer
us a wide variety of viewpoints from which to choose. The early primaries
in 2008 will give some indication of which direction the general population
wants to go with the next president and their administration. It is
impossible to predict the results. We do expect to see heightened interest
and lots of debate about the options. We have already seen history being
made in the gender and racial diversity of candidates. This is a natural
evolution of the diversity of our population and brings even more
unpredictability into play.
With so many choices offered to us - from presidential candidates, to
commercial products, to religious beliefs, to weather conditions, to whatever
you can think of - it is growing even more important for people to learn to
trust their own counsel, feel good about their own beliefs and choices, and move
their lives forward based on trust their own judgment. If we can't trust
our own judgment, who do we follow with so many choices?
As in years past, we continue to see a growing interest in spiritual subjects
and an ever widening range of possible methods for people to find a community of
like-minded people. Some spiritual ideas are moving into the mainstream,
with best-selling books like The Secret. This book is an
ancient idea repackaged to meet the needs of modern times and brilliantly
marketed. We see this movement as a good thing that helps to strengthen
people's ability to trust their own guidance, intuition or beliefs.
That doesn't mean that we all agree on what is best or what is right. As
our daily world shows, there is incredible variety of opinions and belief.
That diversity is what makes such a rich and fertile human experience. At
some point, we hope that we can recognize diversity as a good thing and learn
more from each other and see less of ideas such as, "I'm right and
therefore, you are wrong." Maybe, we will someday learn that we are
all just fine as we are.
aside, I witnessed a beautiful program over the holidays at one of my
grandchildren's school called "We come from everywhere" that
helped the children learn about and share the rich diversity of heritage
that exists in their small classroom. They are a microcosm of the
world at large - we do come from everywhere and we are becoming more
diverse every day it seems. |
Past themes continue as our world restructures to fit the needs of today, not
of yesterday. 
The health care industry must find a way to deal with the reality of
demographic changes from an aging population. This is a relentless march
toward an unknown situation with many ideas and still great opportunities and
challenges yet to be faced. The demographic changes affect every area of
our society in ways that most of us still do not yet comprehend. Five or
10 years from now we will have a better grasp of what may be
One trend we are seeing is that more and more people are taking
responsibility for their own health. Examples are the use of more
meditation (instead of medication), stress reduction techniques, increasing
interest in exercise and nutrition, and interest in healthier (drug-free)
healing practices of all kinds.
More people are realizing that their mind, their emotions, their body and
their spirit all work together to keep them healthy. If all are in
balance, then the person is healthier. More and more businesses are
recognizing that having healthy employees is beneficial to their bottom line
profitability and encouraging workers to stay healthy. Many provide
support through a wide variety of wellness programs including company gyms, annual
check-ups, walking paths, ergonomic adjustments of office space and computers,
credits on healthcare premiums for healthy behavior, information, workshops,
The finance and mortgage industry is facing major challenges that places stresses on other industries. We
expect to see continued restructuring of our
large organizations and institutions. Some of these may seem like gradual
evolutions and some may be sudden.
There are still many business
organizations not operating on integrity or fair treatment of people. At
some point, people will recognize what is wrong, step up and try to fix the
problems, or abandon the effort, which could produce some interesting events
this year. One prime example is the issue of "bullying," which
we have written about in the past. More and more people are coming to
realize that fair treatment of people in the workplace leads to profitability
and poor treatment of people leads to unhealthy working situations, which
ultimately affects productivity (and therefore, profitability) in a negative
way. We expect to see more interest in awareness, training and legislation
around this subject. It's time, and probably long over due in many
In the United States, we are teetering on the edge of a recession.
Whether we choose to go to recession or not, is unpredictable at this
time. Collectively, we can each play a part by managing our financial
affairs in a responsible way, learning to share what we have with those who are
temporarily in need and being responsible in our use of scarce resources.
Small actions such as these are the grains of sand that will eventually provide
a new foundation for a stronger economic system than we have today.
The entertainment industry continues to provide us with interesting ways of
expressing our fantasies with Harry Potter, The Golden Compass, National
Treasure, I AM Legend, The Water Horse and Enchanted currently in stores and
theaters. Even the much older Star Wars and Star Trek series
continue to recruit younger generations as fans of these classic
tales of heroes in different forms. There is almost no limit to the
creativity of the human mind when it is inspired.
The technology industry continues to explode with an incredible variety of
ways we can make our lives better. We can now have our e-mail, Internet
service, personal assistant, calendar, watch, alarm clock and GPS (global
position system) all contained within a device smaller than the size of a deck
of cards. The introduction of the Wii technology also
provides a way for families and/or friends (small communities) to interact with
technology in a group, not just each person having their own individual
device. It's no wonder the Wii has become such a hit.
Learning to cope with the vast changes in our world, our individual lives and
the pace of everything around us requires a strong sense of self, a trust in our
own ability to cope, constant flexibility to the unknown that is presented to us
and an ability to laugh no matter what happens. Fast changes can lead
to resistance from people who are afraid or feel unprepared. We can help
ourselves be more adaptable by realizing that everything physical is
temporary and learning flexibility so that it becomes a habit and a conscious
"Resistance is futile" as the Borg says in Star Trek. The
future is pulling us relentlessly forward, whether we are ready or not. Remembering this cute line can help us when it seems that life is
giving us more than we can handle. If we have already learned
flexibility as a habit, we will be able to more easily cope with
sudden changes the next time they show up. "There is nothing as constant as
change," a wise person once said. Often, the loss of something we thought
was important really opens up the opportunity for something even better:
"When one door closes, another opens."
2008, we wish you a year of personal empowerment, joyous community connection,
personal and professional abundance, and deep trust and faith in whatever you
believe is right for you. 
May you dance lightly on the Earth and may you feel the
wings of angels surround you with their joyous song as your life unfolds before
- See if you can "feel" or "know" what is really
important to you this year.
- Trust your own intuition and your own sense of what is right.
Practice listening to your intuition more often and see what
happens. The more you practice this, the better your skill will
- Look in your closets and cupboards to see what you have that can be donated
to someone who needs it. Share your wealth and you will open up
opportunities for your own abundance to come in differently.
- Laugh at least once a day, even if you have to make up something to
laugh about.
- Be nice to someone else, just because it's a nice thing to do.
Simple examples: Smile, say "good morning" or "good
afternoon" to strangers.
- Do something new or different every day. This helps create a habit
of flexibility.
- Spend some time thinking about what you might do if faced with a natural
disaster - where would you go, how long could you survive in your home, what
information or critical necessities would you want to take with you if
you had to leave in a hurry?
- Work with your family to develop a family disaster plan. Make sure
everyone has contact numbers for the others and someone out of your area as
a contact point. These last 2 suggestions help provide a greater
sense of Security that you will be OK in a disaster.
- Simplify your life. If you feel - like most of us - like
day-to-day life is too hectic, eliminate some of the pressures.
- Take time to relax, take a break, take a day off to watch the grass
grow or the flowers bloom. Your stresses will wait for you and while
resting, you might come up with a better idea for dealing with them.

Here’s an exercise that you might try:
- Find a quiet place and meditate about what you want to release from
last year.
- When you are ready, write down what you want to release on a piece of
- Burn the paper, consciously releasing whatever is written there and
knowing that it is also gone from your consciousness. If you are
not in a safe place for burning, you can tear it up into little pieces
and throw it away.
- Meditate on what you want for yourself in 2008.
- Allow yourself to be open to receiving a word, name or short phrase
describing who you are and what is true for you
in 2008.
- Write down whatever comes to you.
- Spend some time understanding the meaning of that word, name or phrase
and allow it to assist you this year. Find ways to use that
word, name or phrase all year. Each time you use it, reaffirm what
it means for you.
This forecast represents our views and opinions. Please, don’t just
take our word (or anyone else’s) for what will or will not happen. Use
whatever methods work for you in planning for the future. Wise people will
use all the forecasts they can find, then see what feels right for them rather
than letting any one dictate their activities.
No guarantees about the future are implied or given - use our views as you
would anyone’s opinions.
Last year’s forecast: January, 2007
When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so
regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for
us. .. Alexander Graham Bell
If you can dream it, you can do it! Walt Disney
Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve
ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness
to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours. .. The
Borg, Star
Trek: The Next Generation episode "The
Best of Both Worlds" (1990)
There is nothing as constant as change: related quotes http://blogs.technet.com/cdnitmanagers/archive/2006/05/15/428298.aspx
Resources and Articles
& Audio - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- The Seven Whispers: A Spiritual Practice for Times Like These,
Christina Baldwin. New World Library, 2005. ISBN-10:
1577315057 ISBN-13: 978-1577315056
- Calling the Circle: The First and Future Culture, Christina
Baldwin. Bantam, 1998. ISBN-10:
0553379003 ISBN-13: 978-0553379006
- Positive Energy: 10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming
Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength & Love, Judith
Orloff. Harmony, 2004. ISBN-10:
- Awakening Second Sight (audio CD), Judith Orloff. Sounds True,
ISBN-10: 159179319X ISBN-13: 978-1591793199
- The Wise Child: A Spiritual Guide to Nurturing Your Child's Intuition,
Sonia Choquette. Three Rivers Press, 1999. ISBN-10:
0609803999 ISBN-13: 978-0609803998
- Sacred Verses, Healing Sounds, Volumes I and II: The Bhagavad Gita,
Hymns of the Rig Veda (Audio CD), Deepak Chopra. Amber-Allen Publishers,
2004. ISBN-10:
1878424785 ISBN-13: 978-1878424785
- 101 Ways to Jump Start Your Intuition, John Holland. Hay
House, 2005. ISBN-10:
1401906192 ISBN-13: 978-1401906191
- The Art of Power, Thich Nhat Hanh. HarperOne, 2007. ISBN-10:
0061242349 ISBN-13: 978-0061242342
- Creating Community Anywhere: Finding Support and Connection in a
Fragmented World, Carolyn R. Shaffer and Kristin Anundsen. Kids
4 Kids Press, 2005. ISBN-10:
0975386425 ISBN-13: 978-0975386422
- Building Powerful Community Organizations: A Personal Guide To Creating
Groups That Can Solve Problems and Change the World, Michael Jacoby
Brown. Long Haul Press, 2007. ISBN-10:
0977151808 ISBN-13: 978-0977151806
Happy New Year in many languages around the world:
Arabic : Kul ‘aam u antum salimoun
Chinese: Chu Shen Tan
Slovakia and Czech republic:Scastny Novy
Dutch: Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
English: Happy New Year
Finnish: Onnellista Uutta Vuotta
French: Bonne Annee
German: Prosit Neujahr
Greek: Eftecheezmaenos o Kaenooryos
Hebrew: L’Shannah Tovah Tikatevu
Hindi: Niya Saa Moobaarak
Irish (Gaelic):
Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian: Buon Capodanno
Khmer: Sua Sdei tfnam tmei
Laotian: Sabai dee pee mai
Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo
Russian: S Novim Godom
Serbo-Croatian: Scecna nova godina
Spanish: Feliz Ano Neuvo
Prospero Ano Nuevo
Turkish: Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Vietnamese: Cung-Chuc Tan-Xuan
Welch: Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
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links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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