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January 2009 - Forecast for the new year
- Themes and trends for 2009
- Suggestions and Tips for 2009
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Themes and Trends for 2009
General Themes:
- Back to basics
- Clearing out the old "stuff"
- Setting the stage for moving to a new, more expanded
- Re-evaluating what is important
- Finding inspiration to make it through the tough
- Looking toward a brighter future
For 2009, with the world economy teetering, we feel that this is a good time
to go "back to basics" and re-evaluate our priorities. Many
people are being forced to do that due to layoffs, business failures, financial
issues or mortgage challenges.
While painful on an individual level, we need to clean up our lives every
once in a while.
Try to think of this year this way. If you own a home, you may find after
awhile that it no longer fits the person you are or the person you wish to
become, or you may need to move for a new job or for other reasons.
Before selling your home and moving, there are a number of things that must
be done: 
- You will have prepare for moving — mentally, physically emotionally and
- You will have to decide how much your current home is worth and how much
money you will have available for a new home.
- You will have to decide what type of home you want in the future and what
you can afford.
- You will have to decide what is important to you: location, commute time
to your job or business, closeness to family and friends, closeness to
commercial services (shopping, medical services, etc), closeness to public
facilities (parks, schools, etc.)
- Before you put your home up for sale, you will usually have to repair some
things, paint or remove some items from your home. You will have to evaluate
how much money to spend on those "pre-sale" items and what the
overall benefit will be.
- You will have go through all of the belongings in your home and decide
what value they have to you, whether you want to keep them or get rid of
them, and what to take with you to your new home.
- You will have to select a real estate agent or other professionals to
represent you in your sale and other dealings with the move.
We see 2009 in a similar way and can compare it to the example above this
- 2009 can be a time of looking at where you are in your life and deciding
whether this is where you want to be.
- You may take time to evaluate whether your life (your job, your home, your
relationships, etc) is giving you the value you feel is right for you.
- You may take time to evaluate what you want in your life in the future,
what you can afford and how you will need to budget for what you want.
- You may take time to look around at your community and decide which of
those aspects are important to you: location, commute time, closeness to
family and friends, closeness to commercial services (shopping, medical
services, etc), closeness to public facilities (parks, schools, etc.)
- As you start to look at your current life vs. your future life, you may
decide to "fix up" your current living space, make repairs,
repaint and/or rearrange things. You may want to budget how you spend
your time, your money and your other resources more carefully this year so
that you have what you will need in the future.
- You may find that you no longer need or want some of your
belongings. You can sell them, trade them or give them away to make
your living space more comfortable or to bring in some additional
money. Clearing out the old stuff is a good way to make space for what
is yet to make its way into your life.
- You may find you are evaluating your relationships and who you choose to
associate with — in personal relationships and in professional
relationships. This also could mean changing jobs, starting a new
business, closing an existing business or changing direction somehow in your
work life.
As you are looking at your current life and deciding where you want to be,
you will need to find inspiration to get through the difficult times of our
present world situation.
One strong influence in the United States in the past year is the events
leading up to the election of our new President, Barack Obama. All through
the year of 2008, there was great interest in the primary election campaigns in
the earlier part of the year and the presidential campaigns in the latter part
of the year. There was great enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton in her run for
President and for Sarah Palin in her run for Vice President, in addition to the
great enthusiasm for Barack Obama.
With Mr. Obama coming into the White House in January 2009, there is great
hope for our country by both US citizens and many others throughout the
world. For the past 8 years, our political leadership has been governed by
a very competitive Warrior energy that resulted a great deal of fighting (wars
and otherwise) and a lack of cooperation in many ways.
In our Personality Game, President George W. Bush is a Warrior
personality role at the Competing Perspective
and he surrounded himself with many Warriors, some of them with Aggression and
Dominance tendencies, that do not always work well with others. (More
details can be found on our Personality Game and Famous
People pages).
President-elect Barack Obama is a Priest
personality role, which is an inspiring personality type and he operates at the Relationship/Partnership
Perspective. In other words, he is very effective at inspiring large
numbers of people and working well with others. A great example of Barack
Obama's ability to create good teams is his "team
of rivals" of Cabinet officers. Mr. Obama has been compared with
Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt – very difficult
expectations to meet, yet many people feel inspired and hopeful in spite of the
difficult times that those former presidents dealt with.
This change in political leadership in the US is like taking a 180 degree
turn, so it will take a while for people to adjust to the difference though it
has already generated a great deal of enthusiasm among many people who were
tired of the competition and constant fighting aspects of Mr. Bush’s
During the term of Barack Obama’s presidency, we expect to see great
strides forward again in working toward common solutions rather than the
individual greed that has lead to the collapse of the financial services
industry. The personality dragon of Greed
eventually slides to Self-Destruction, which we can certainly see happening all
around us in one institution after another as their leaders have stolen or
destroyed whatever value was there at one time. In some cases, there was
never a solid foundation – just a fragile illusion of something solid that
could not have lasted very long.
Many of our economic and social structures need to be reviewed and rebuilt
with a more solid foundation — one that is built to last not solely designed
to enrich a few people. This is a very long term societal challenge that may
take 50-100 years or more before it is complete.
Many people compare today’s situation to the days of the Depression in the
1920’s and 1930’s, when the US Stock Market collapsed, followed by years of
very difficult times for many people. After that collapse, many systems
and structures were put in place to provide value for our society — Social
Security, banking reforms, employment laws, the US Interstate highway system,
education reforms, etc. Some of those banking and financial system structures
were undone in recent years, which contributed to the collapse of the financial
services industry in the past 2 years.
Our world leadership will again need to look at what is important to us and
how we can create a stronger foundation going forward.
So this year is Back to Basics —
looking at where we are, what we have and what we want — then starting to make
the plans that will eventually lead us to a brighter future.
We have many things to be grateful for in what seems to be "bad
times" or "tough times." If we see that this is a normal
cycle, we can find the sunshine behind the rain clouds and know that a rainbow
will be here shortly.
In business, we have been moving from a hierarchal top-down method of
managing popular in the 1950’s to a more team-oriented method of managing over
the past few decades. This trend will continue for many more years.
While this is still not the predominant management style for many companies, we
do see more and more evidence of the recognition that people need to work
together with mutual respect in order to generate higher productivity and
profits. The challenges of the current financial situation are leading to
some creative solutions coming forth when employees are given the opportunity to
have input to management decisions.
In mid to late December, which is traditionally the time when some businesses
make the most of their income, the northern half of the United States was
blanketed by snow storms and severe winter weather. That caused many
people to re-evaluate their shopping plans, cut back on what they might have
spent and to spend time with people they really cared about. In other words, it
was an opportunity to re-evaluate what was important. That happened with
snowplow delays, shopping mall closures, business closures, travel by air, train
or bus and even affected parts of the country that were not snowed in.
While many people were angry, frustrated or confused, many others saw it as a
great opportunity to "disconnect" from the expectations of others and
simply enjoy the playfulness of a day off from work or a chance to build a
snowman with their kids for a change. Some travelers cancelled their plans
and found they were relieved not to have to visit relatives that they aren’t
particularly fond of.
Take the time to look at where you are in your life. If you were to
move to a new home, what would you have to do this year? Using the
examples above to help focus what you want to let go of and what you want for
the future.
- Identify what inspires you and do more of it — find music, poetry,
friends, activities, movies, favorite places, etc. that truly make you feel
good — and make a commitment to have those in your life more this year.
- Identify what you want for your future and create a mental picture of
that. You might want to create a "treasure map" of how it
will look for you. Keep your map, picture or symbol of that future
life where you can see it every day. It will help inspire you to do
the work you need to do this year.
- Identify what is important to you about your current community —
commercial services (shopping, medical services, etc.), public services
(school, parks, etc.), commute time to your job or business.
- Clean up your living space. Clean out your closets. Clean your
garage. Clean out your storage places.

- Remove those things in your life that no longer serve you — sell, trade
or give them a way. Repair what needs to be repaired.
- Let go of hurt, anger, resentment and any other negative feelings about
what others might have done to you or what you perceive they might have done
to you. Holding onto old negative feelings is bad for you and isn't
doing them any good either. Fill the empty space with joy and
- Identify who in your life is important to you and commit to time to work
on those relationships. Identify those people who are not important to you
and don’t spend time with those people this year.
- Most of all, feel gratitude every day for the many blessings in your life
If you are thinking about creating new business ideas, sources of income or
exploring expansion of a existing business, our new book Income
Without a Job has some great exercises to assist with that.

Here’s an exercise that you might try:
- Find a quiet place and meditate about what you want to release from
last year.
- When you are ready, write down what you want to release on a piece of
- Burn the paper, consciously releasing whatever is written there and
knowing that it is also gone from your consciousness. If you are
not in a safe place for burning, you can tear it up into little pieces
and throw it away.
- Meditate on what you want for yourself in 2009.
- Allow yourself to be open to receiving a word, name or short phrase
describing who you are and what is true for you
in 2009.
- Write down whatever comes to you.
- Spend some time understanding the meaning of that word, name or phrase
and allow it to assist you this year. Find ways to use that
word, name or phrase all year. Each time you use it, reaffirm what
it means for you.
2009, we wish you a year of personal clarity and understanding, of cleaning up
your life and setting a solid foundation for a brighter future for you and
May you feel the joy of being with those you care about and doing what gives
your heart joy.
And, may your home and your life sparkle brightly this year.
This forecast represents our views and opinions. Please, don’t just
take our word (or anyone else’s) for what will or will not happen. Use
whatever methods work for you in planning for the future. Wise people will
use all the forecasts they can find, then see what feels right for them rather
than letting any one dictate their activities.
No guarantees about the future are implied or given - use our views as you
would anyone’s opinions.
Last year’s forecast: January, 2008
You leave old habits behind by starting out with the
thought, 'I release the need for this in my life'. ... Wayne
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that
this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. ...
Oprah Winfrey
Hope is important because it can make the present moment
less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear
a hardship today. ... Thich Nhat Hanh
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be ...
Lao Tzu
Even though you may want to move forward in your life,
you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn
how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to
entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is
holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of
today? ... Mary Manin Morrissey author
If people are coming to work excited . . . if they're
making mistakes freely and fearlessly . . . if they're having fun . . . if
they're concentrating on doing things, rather than preparing reports and going
to meetings - then somewhere you have leaders. ... Robert Townsend
Nothing in the world can take the place of
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan, 'Press on,' has solved and always will solve the problems of the
human race
- Calvin Coolidge
Miracle on the Hudson: Prepare
for Impact (1/15/2009 airplane landed on the Hudson River) http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,480258,00.html
- Barack Obama - "team of rivals" - Proposed Cabinet and Cabinet
Level nominations http://aaenvironment.com/ObamaCabinet.htm
- Sassy shade of yellow predicted to be a bright spot: Enough doom and
gloom, vibrant color is here to save our sanity http://www.theolympian.com/living/story/715244.html
- 2009 Forecast: Commercial
Real Estate, Money Supply, Growth
- 2009 forecasts in a nutshell http://arabianmoney.net/2008/12/28/2009-forecasts-in-a-nutshell/
- 2009 Web Predictions http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/2009_web_predictions.php
- Housing 2009 Forecasts Mixed, But Mostly Grim http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2008/11/housing2009.html
- 2009 forecasts - Food, Nutrition and Science http://www.foodnutritionscience.com/
- CRM 2009 Forecast - Part 1 -Sticking My Neck Out http://blogs.zdnet.com/crm/?p=104
- Prediction: Scary 2009 forecasts likely wrong http://www.azcentral.com/business/abg/articles/2009/01/01/20090101abg-tyson0101.html
- Mortgage Bankers Association 2009 Forecasts http://www.hipoteca.net/mortgages/refinancing/loans/mortgage_bankers_association_2009_forecasts/
- 2009 Chinese Horoscope & Feng Shui Yearly Forecast http://www.geomancy.net/resources/yearly-forecast/fortunes-2009.htm
- Astrology forecasts for 2009 http://www.indastro.com/2009-horoscope-astrology.html and
- US Dollar 2009 Forecast http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/20081227/dollar-forecast.htm
- GE holds to 2008 outlook, won't give 2009 forecasts http://www.dailygazette.com/news/2008/dec/16/1216_ge/
- A 2009 Internet Media Plan http://nickdenton.org/5083616/a-2009-internet-media-plan
- 2009
Forecast, More Banks to Fail, Retail Disappoints, Recession Stock Picks,
Huge Tax Cut and More!
- Britain faces 600,000 job redundancies in 2009, forecast shows http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=824923&lang=eng_news
- 2009: Forecasters look for redemption http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20081231.wyearhitmiss1231/BNStory/Business
- Farmer’s Almanac http://www.almanac.com
- Investing Lessons of 2008: Balance Sheets and Management Matter http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28450849/
- Amid gloom, signs of hope for economy in 2009 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28300084
- Top 10 Cloud Computing Predictions for 2009 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28292302/
- Venture Capital predictions for 2009 http://www.nvca.org/pdf/NVCA2009predictionsquotesfinal.pdf
- The 2009 Prediction: 14 Named Storms, 7 Becoming Hurricanes http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28159804/wid/17621070/
- Entrepreneur Magazine: 2008 Year in Review http://blog.entrepreneur.com/2008/12/the-spectacular-flameouts-of-2008.php
- Live Your Ideal Vision in 2009 http://financialguru.entrepreneur.com/?p=88
- G. Steven Burrill predicts what’s ahead for biotech in 2009 http://www.tjols.com/article-980.html
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers Looks Into Healthcare Crystal Ball for 2009 http://www.commerce.net/blog/?post=/2008/12/290800.16a5cdae362b8d27a1d8f8c7b78b4330.html
Poor pay expected in 2009 http://www.hrzone.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=192789&d=1064
What Will Obama Do for the Job Market? http://career-advice.monster.com/job-search-essentials/obama-job-market/home.aspx
Cleaning tips http://www.allabouthome.com/directories/dir_cleaning.html
Mrs. Clean's House Cleaning Tips & Stain Removal http://www.mrscleannw.com/tips/
- How can I Prepare to Move into a New Home? http://www.wisegeek.com/how-can-i-prepare-to-move-into-a-new-home.htm
- How To Prepare Your House For Sale http://homebuying.about.com/od/sellingahouse/ht/homeprep.htm
- How to Prepare Your House To Sell http://homebuying.about.com/c/ht/00/07/How_Prepare_House_Sell0962934879.htm
- Preparing Your House http://www.ourfamilyplace.com/homeseller/houseprep.html
- Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
Arabic : Kul ‘aam u antum salimoun
Chinese: Chu Shen Tan
Slovakia and Czech republic:Scastny Novy
Dutch: Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
English: Happy New Year
Finnish: Onnellista Uutta Vuotta
French: Bonne Annee
German: Prosit Neujahr
Greek: Eftecheezmaenos o Kaenooryos
Hebrew: L’Shannah Tovah Tikatevu
Hindi: Niya Saa Moobaarak
Irish (Gaelic):
Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian: Buon Capodanno
Khmer: Sua Sdei tfnam tmei
Laotian: Sabai dee pee mai
Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo
Russian: S Novim Godom
Serbo-Croatian: Scecna nova godina
Spanish: Feliz Ano Neuvo
Prospero Ano Nuevo
Turkish: Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Vietnamese: Cung-Chuc Tan-Xuan
Welch: Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
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