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January 2014 ~ Forecast for the Year: Wishes Fulfilled
- Wishes Fulfilled
- New Habits to Practice
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
2014 ~ Forecast for the Year: Wishes Fulfilled
2014 is a year of Wishes Fulfilled and of setting intentions for the highest
possible vision you can imagine for yourself and for the world.
A year for letting go of old habits, patterns and destructive behaviors that
keep you from being all you can be and having all you can have.
It is a time to allow let yourself to trust your own intuition and go where
your heart is leading you, no matter what anyone else "thinks" is
right for you.
This is a time of seeing the world with new eyes and allowing
yourself to be part of a new world that is being created along with many others
like you who want a better world than we have now.
Take some time at the beginning of the year to set intentions for what YOU
- What are your greatest desires for your life? Write
them down.
- What are your greatest desires for the world? Write
them down.
There is great power in the written word. And, you need to cultivate
the feelings of those wishes and desires, also.
Throughout the year, re-visit your list of possibilities and let yourself
imagine how you feel when those wishes are fulfilled. Imagine that right
now, all of your wishes are fulfilled. FEEL
how that feels and let that energy fill you and expand you.
Use that energy of
possibilities and good feelings to fertilize your dreams and desires
regularly. Allow yourself to dream bigger and to think bigger than you
have ever thought before and to feel better than you have ever felt before.
And just as important as setting new intentions, let go of old stuff that no
longer serves you. Allow yourself to let go of any old
"baggage." Imagine that you are filling your suitcases with all
that old "stuff" and taking them to the local dump, then washing your
hands of it.
Clean out your closets or garage or basement or attic with the intention of
getting rid of old "stuff" that no longer serves you.
Clean your home and your office with the same intention.
- Smile at strangers. Smile at family, friends and neighbors, of course.
- Help someone every day or as often as you have the opportunity, with no
strings attached.
- Allow others to help you and feel grateful to be so blessed.
- When someone does something that you don’t like, say "Isn’t that
cute!" and stay out of judgment about who they are or why they might
have done that.
- Stay away from blame and shame — of yourself and others.
- Forgive everyone and everything, including forgiving yourself for past
mistakes. Forgive yourself for judging others and forgive yourself for
judging yourself too harshly.
- Each morning, wake up and know that something wonderful is happening.
Allow yourself to feel wonderful, no matter what else is going on in the
world or in your own life. Find something to feel good about every morning
to start your day on a positive note. Meditate, read something inspirational
or do whatever makes you feel good.
- Each evening before going to sleep, focus on one wonderful thing that
happened and let the warmth of it surround you like a blanket. Put any
negative or unhappy thoughts on the shelf for the night.
- Stay away from violence in all forms as much as possible: TV, movies,
radio, video games, newspapers, Facebook, blogs, etc. They leave a negative
imprint on your body and this year, we want to focus on positive intentions
as much as possible.
- Notice the abundance of nature all around you. Depending on the climate
and season, notice the glorious diversity of abundance that is available on
our planet and know that your life can be that abundant if you allow
yourself to flow with the positive energy that is available to you. Notice
the flowers blooming, the sun shining, the birds singing and the great
variety of life that is all around you. Notice the abundance of rain or wind
or clouds or snow or sand, depending on where you are. Nature isn’t
stressed about how or why or when it should be abundant; it just is —
naturally. And, so can you be, if you allow yourself to experience it.
wish for you: That you allow yourself to be all you can be this year!
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
Related newsletter articles:
November 2010 - Gratitude
December 2008 - Finding gratitude
within the angst
April 2011 - Remembering what's
November 2011 - The Pinball Effect
September 2005 - Breaking Old Patterns:
Dreaming a New Dream
January 2013 - Dream Big
- The biggest adventure you can take is to live
the life of your dreams. .. Oprah Winfrey
- Go confidently in the direction of your
dreams. Live the life you have imagined. .. Henry
David Thoreau
- Cherish your visions and your dreams as they
are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
.. Napoleon Hill
- Never set limits, go after your dreams, don't
be afraid to push the boundaries. And laugh a lot - it's good for you!
.. Paula Radcliffe
- If you want to achieve your dreams, you must
follow them, and the best way to follow them is not to think about wanting
to be very rich, but to think about doing something that you really want to
do. .. Jackie Collins
Sent by a friend as I was writing this article:
I hope you will have a wonderful year, that
you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that
didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be
liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And,
most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom
in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that
you will always be kind. .. Neil Gaiman
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respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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