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July 2000 - Dealing with Co-Workers
We Don't Like
- Dealing with People We Don't Like
- Tips for Dealing with People We Don't Like
- Internet Resources (books, articles,
With Co-workers We Don�t Like
by Jonathan A. Hess, Ph.D. Asst. Professor of Communication,
University of Missouri-Columbia
Stressful Situations
When we take a job with a company, we instantly develop a large
network of new acquaintances. The relationships we have with co-workers
are called "nonvoluntary relationships" because as long as we
hold a job with that organization, we have no choice but to interact
with the other people who work there.
As long as we like our co-workers,
the nonvoluntary nature of these relationships is unremarkable, but for
most of us it is inevitable that we won't like a few of those people.
This can cause a difficult situation.
Relationships with co-workers we don't like are stressful. The
stronger our disdain and the more closely we have to work with such
individuals, the more stress these relationships cause.
How to Cope
So, what can we
do about it?
Learning to like that individual is a noble avenue to
pursue, and it is sometimes possible with the right attitude and
positive treatment of the other person.
Sometimes just listening to that
individual or getting to know more about her or him is enough to
transform resentment into respect. After all, perceiving others as
different from ourselves is one of the biggest causes of disliking.
we can focus on ways in which we're similar with others we can often
overcome hatred. Another useful approach is to try to understand the
other person's feelings. It is difficult to hate a person when you
empathize with the problems that he or she faces.
It is unrealistic, however, to think that everyone can just learn how
to love every person they know. Suppose you try to like your colleague,
and no matter how hard you try, you still find the person just as
revolting as ever?
I believe that learning to like each other is a good
ideal to work toward, but there is no shame in disliking some people,
and disliking should not be an impediment to civil and effective work
What Research Tells Us
What does research about human behavior tell us about such
First, our most basic reaction to the stress of these
relationships is to try to avoid the other person. This can be a good
strategy where possible.
You might take your break at a different time
than that person or eat lunch in a different location to avoid having to
be around that individual. You should be careful, however, not to avoid
interacting with the person on necessary functions of your job, because
that can interfere with the tasks that need to be done.
there are other possible problems associated with avoiding a person.
instance, Robert Baron contends that when supervisors avoid giving
negative feedback to subordinates they may get into a cycle in which
they let the resentment build up to the point at which they can no
longer contain it, and then erupt by inappropriately lashing out toward
the person.
As a result, the subordinate feels mistreated, and is likely
feel resentment toward the company and may even try some form of
What can you do to cope with stress without avoiding the person? In
my own research, I have found that people do this by creating
psychological distance between themselves and the disliked persons.
Psychological distance is a term referring to the emotional barricade we
build to make ourselves feel like our relationship with that other
person is not a close one.
What are some ways to do it?
Here are some of the most common techniques people report using:
- Maintain a task focus
Be sure that your conversation is focused on the job at hand, rather
than the people involved.
By keeping the conversation away from your thoughts and feelings,
you prevent the other person from developing a closer relationship
with you, and you avoid possible topics of conflict that are
unrelated to the minimal interaction you must have with that
- Avoid questions
This gets the interaction with over more quickly.
But don't avoid any questions that pertain to the job that needs to
be done, unless you can just as easily get the necessary information
some other way.
- Use a more distant channel of communication
Calling a person on the phone instead of talking face-to-face,
or sending a memo or e-mail instead of making a phone call reduce
the interaction more to information transmitting than personal
They are often effective at conveying the information that needs to
be communicated, but may avoid unpleasant personality clashes.
- Be polite
By treating another person with appropriately high levels of
politeness, you interact with the other person more as a role than
as a human being.
By making the interaction more formal and impersonal, you keep the
relationship more distant, and you avoid antagonizing the other
It is important if you use this strategy to avoid being patronizing,
which would insult the other person.
- Involve others in the interaction, when possible
Perhaps save a conversation with this person for before or after
a meeting, at a time when you know others will be around.
If others are involved in the conversation, your interaction with
that person is "diluted."
It is also easier to end the conversation quickly after concluding
business by striking up a conversation with someone else
- Do things to make the interaction go more smoothly and quickly
Be sure that you have a clear agenda and have gathered all the
necessary information before contacting the disliked person.
That way, you don't drag the conversation out by doing tasks that
could have been done away from that person.
- Avoid emotional involvement
Don't invest a lot of emotional energy in the interaction with
that person.
Think of the interaction as just one aspect of the job, do it, and
then focus your energy on more positive things.
Hatred is an emotion that grows rapidly and can consume a person if
not contained; one way to contain it is to avoid feeding it by
stewing over our dislike for someone.
Try to Remain as Neutral as Possible
It is best to avoid antagonizing the person you dislike because that
can set the stage for retaliation on her or his part (with just
Beside, many of the people we dislike, don't feel the same about us.
They may be ambivalent toward us or even think positively of us.
Treating them with hostility will only serve to make them think less of
There is no point in making matters worse by creating an enemy where
none previously existed.
Leadership Requires Mastering This Skill
Relationships with people we don't like are difficult, but for most
people they are a necessary part of organizational life.
Developing an ability to reduce the stress such relationships cause
us and to work productively with such people will make you more relaxed,
increase your effectiveness on the job, and increase chances of
After all, one of the important aspects of effective leadership is
the ability to work with a diverse set of people, and to garner support
from all those people you work with.
If you aspire to be a successful leader and manager, this is a
necessary skill to master.
Resources Referenced
- Baron, R. A. (1993). Criticism (informal negative feedback) as a
source of perceived unfairness in organizations: Effects,
mechanisms, and countermeasures. In R. Cropanazno (Ed.), Justice
in the workplace: Approaching fairness in human resource management (pp.
155-170). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Hess, J. A. (2000). Maintaining nonvoluntary relationships
with disliked partners: An investigation into the use of distancing
behaviors. Human Communication Research, 26, pages 458-488.
� Copyright Jonathan Hess, 2000 Used with permission of the
author. Thanks, Jon!!
Contact: web: http://web.missouri.edu/~commjh/
e-mail: HessJ [at] missouri.edu
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Successfully Dealing with Difficult People in a Week, Brian Salter and Naomi Langford-Wood.
Hodder & Stoughton General Division; (June 3, 1998) ASIN: 034072076X
- Dealing with People You Can't Stand, Rick Brinkner and Rick
Kirshner McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books; (August 1, 1994) ISBN: 0070078386
- 201 Ways to Deal With Difficult People (Quick-Tip Survival Guides); Alan Axelrod, et al.
McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books; (May 1, 1997)
ISBN: 0070062188
- Coping With Difficult People; Robert N. Bramson, Robert M. Bramson.
Dell Books;
Reissue edition (October 1, 1988) ISBN: 0440202019
- Secrets of Dealing with Difficult People - electronic book by Dr. Mark
Lauderdale. http://www.shrinkinabox.com/difficult-people/
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