Maslow�s Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow developed a theory of motivation that
includes his famous hierarchy of needs: Survival, Safety,
Social, Esteem and Self-Actualization.
Maslow's theory states that until you satisfy the lower needs �
starting with Survival � you cannot move forward through the other needs
to achieve Self-Actualization.

This hierarchy is comparable to the Perspective
aspect of our Personality Game and the system of Soul
Levels in the Michael Teachings.
In all three systems, people must begin at the beginning and
work through each level to develop the foundation required to
operate at the higher levels. However, they may also drop back into any
lower level as needed.
Level 1 - Survival Needs
Survival needs (in Maslow�s Hierarchy) include
very basic physiological needs for oxygen, food, water and
nurturing of some kind (for children) or sex to continue the species (for adults).
So long
as physiological needs are unsatisfied, they exist as a driving or
motivating force in a person�s life. In the Michael Teachings, a
survival focus is comparable to the state of the Infant Soul.
In our corporate version of the Teachings, we call this
perspective (or viewpoint) Surviving, which means viewing life in a very
inexperienced way, seeking survival at any cost. People who see the
world through a Surviving perspective cannot handle the complexities of
modern society any more than true infants can manage their life. People
operating primarily at the Surviving perspective live on the fringes of
society, in primitive cultures, or those who are institutionalized for
anti-social behaviors. They cannot see the larger picture or understand
the larger rhyme or reason to life.
Even though we may be older souls, if we don�t have
the basics needed to sustain physical life, we will act from the
Surviving perspective until those basic needs are met. If we are
starving to death, we will feel unable to cope with life in a more
sophisticated way.
Level 2 - Safety Needs
Safety needs (in Maslow�s Hierarchy) include
shelter, stability, protection, freedom from fear and anxiety,
structure, order and law. In the Michael Teachings, a safety focus is
comparable to the state of the Baby Soul.
In our corporate version of the Teachings, we call this
perspective Rule-making, which means viewing life through the limits of
rules and structure for the protection of humans similar to the
viewpoint of children.
For people operating primarily at the Rule-making
life is very simplistic and follows a rather rigid pattern. Without
rules, structure and order that provide them with safe operating
guidelines, people focused at this perspective become very fearful. At this
perspective, following the rules is most important, to the point of
aggressively defending what is �right� or attacking those who do not
follow the rules. When not following rules, people at this perspective
are excellent at making rules, expecting everyone else to follow the
same rules and act in the same way.
As with the Surviving perspective regardless of our soul
age, if we are cold, homeless and afraid without knowing how to get help
or suddenly thrown into a foreign situation, we will operate from the
view of solving our basic safety and protection needs. From this
perspective, we are not able to see the larger picture or know that we
are ultimately safe.
Level 3 - Social Needs
Social needs (in Maslow�s Hierarchy) include
the need for belonging, peer group involvement and love. People at this
level are striving for acceptance by their peer group and seeking
respect as an individual in comparison to others (beating the
competition, winning the war, trouncing an enemy, achieving success,
gaining status, collecting toys, being beautiful, etc). In the Michael Teachings, a social focus is comparable
to the state of the Young Soul.
In our corporate version of the
Teachings, we call this perspective Competing, which means viewing life
as competition with others, similar to teenagers who are striking out to
conquer the world yet very dependent on their peer groups for respect
and acceptance. At this perspective, the focus is on making money, becoming a
success, attending the �popular� schools, having the most beautiful
body or car or career - typical �Yuppie� culture focus.
Regardless of our soul age, if we do not feel successful
or accepted by our peers, we are operating from this need. Everyone has
basic needs for support and respect from others that we care about.
Babies who are not given love will die. Children, adolescents or adults
who do not have love, respect and acceptance from someone will not
survive very long.
Level 4 - Esteem Needs
Esteem needs (in Maslow�s Hierarchy) include
the desire for self-respect, self-esteem and the esteem of others.
People at this level are striving to be involved with others in a group
experience rather than as stand out as an individual. In the Michael
Teachings, a self-esteem focus is comparable to the state of the
Mature Soul.
In our corporate version of the Teachings, we call this
perspective Relating, which means viewing life through a focus on
relating to others. This perspective corresponds to someone moving into a
�family� or �partnership� orientation where cooperation and
trust become much more important than the individual�s needs.
This perspective carries a strong recognition that we cannot
do it alone - that we need other people to help us. As people recognize
the need to be involved with others, they also question their own worth
as individuals. In the Competing perspective, the person is concerned
only with their own needs as an individual and does not look inside or
consider their place as part of a group or a team. As they move to the
Relating focus, they begin to compare themselves to others in a
different way and seek to hold up their part of a group or in a
relationship, rather than trying to stand out themselves.
Often people become so focused on the group needs that
they lose sight of their own needs leading to great confusion. At the
Relating perspective, it is so hard for people to step out of their
relationship issues that any disagreement or conflict can become a
drama, consuming their energy until it is resolved. This is part of
learning how to work with others and learning how to establish
appropriate boundaries - a very important part of achieving self-esteem.
The United States has been primarily a Competing culture focused on extreme competition with everyone and everything, now
moving into a more Relating orientation. This shift in perspective
accounts for the stronger focus on partnership and working together in
business and international affairs. This shift in focus has been greatly
enhanced by our presidential team (Bill & Hilary Clinton, Al &
Tipper Gore - all mature souls) and their focus on health care and
government programs benefiting everyone. It also accounts for the great
interest by many people in the private lives of celebrities and ordinary
folks alike. People are trying to understand their own lives by looking
at how others do it.
Level 5 - Self-Actualization Needs
Self-Actualization needs (in Maslow�s
Hierarchy) consist of the need for self-realization, continuous
self-development and the process of becoming all that a person is
capable of becoming. Maslow says that in order to achieve
self-actualization, a person must first satisfy all the other needs. In
the Michael Teachings, a self-actualization focus is comparable to the
state of the Old Soul.
In our corporate version of the Teachings, we call this
perspective Teaching, which means viewing life with more objectivity,
wisdom, tolerance, acceptance, teaching others and seeing life as a
broader vision of possibility. At the Teaching perspective, people are
somewhat detached from the drama of the Relating perspective and view
the Competing perspective with the tolerance of parents for their
teenagers. They are more interested in philosophical pursuits, deep
introspective work or learning how to connect with their higher power
through whatever means may be available. People at this perspective
are not
concerned as much about success as defined in the outer world as they
are concerned with how they feel about themselves and their worth to
their selected tribal group.
A person at the Teaching perspective may develop a definition
of success that is based on comparing themselves to their own
self-defined goals, rather than the outer culture�s measure of
success. They may be poor gardeners yet immensely happy with that slow
pace of life. They may choose to create a successful business that helps
them teach their views to others. Or, they may be anything in between.
Path Seminars/
Pivotal Resources
Michael Teachings
("Soul Age")
Gurdjieff's System
of Man #s
1. Survival
1. Surviving
1. Survival oriented
1. Infant Soul
#1 Instinctive / Moving
2. Safety
2. Rule-making
2. Rule oriented
2. Baby Soul
#2 Emotional / Feeling
3. Social
3. Competing
3. Success oriented
3. Young Soul
#3 Thinking
4. Esteem
4. Relating
4. Relationship oriented
4. Mature Soul
#4 Balanced
5. Self-Actualization
5. Teaching
5. Philosophically oriented
5. Old Soul
#5 Integrated / Adept
6. (not used)
6. Guru
6. Elder
6. Transcendental Soul
#6 Conscious
7. (not used)
7. Spiritual Master
7. Master
7. Infinite Soul
#7 Master / Perfected
While the words used by different teachers may be
different, the meanings behind the words are the same.
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Page updated: May 11, 2023