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Books about the Michael Teachings

The Michael Teachings (Foundation of The Personality
- Disclosure: We get a
small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- 7 Personality Types: Discover Your True Role in Achieving Success and Happiness.
Elizabeth Puttick. Hay House, 2009.
USA version: ISBN-10:
1401924565 ISBN-13: 978-1401924560 UK version: ISBN-10:
1848500467 ISBN-13: 978-1848500464. Web: www.7personalitytypes.com
(uses an updated version of the personality quiz)
- Body Types: The Enneagram of Essence Types. 2nd edition. Joel Friedlander. Globe Press Books; 2nd edition
February 1993.
ISBN-13: 978-0936385259
(Based on the Enneagram, this
book gives a fuller description of the Body Types than any of the "Michael"
- Body
Types and How to Treat Them. JP Van Hulle. E-book
- see http://www.michaeleducationalfoundation.com/store
- Celebrities - Volume I. Emily
Baumbach. Updated in 1996 for more 1,000 celebrities. Causalworks;
January 1996.
ISBN: 0965066819 .
Also available from CausalWorks http://www.causalworks.com/booktape.html
- Concordance to the Michael Teachings. Barbara Taylor.
Cross-reference by subject to most of the Michael Teachings books listed here
(except John Dalmas' books).
Sample and ordering information
- Earth to Tao: Michael's Guide to Healing and Spiritual Growth. Jos�
Stevens. Original 1989. Bear & Co; February 1994. ISBN: 1879181150
- Loving From Your Soul: Creating Powerful Relationships. Shepherd
Hoodwin. Summerjoy Press, January 1995. ISBN: 1885469020
- Meditations for Self-Discovery: Guided Journeys for Communicating with Your Inner
Self. Shepherd Hoodwin. Summerjoy Press January 1995. ISBN: 1885469012
- Messages from Michael (original). Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Berkley Publishing
Group, October 1980.
ISBN-13: 978-0425065334
- Messages from Michael - 25th
Anniversary Edition. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Caelum Press March 2005.
978- 0974290742
- Messages from Michael. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Berkley Publishing Group;
October 1980.
ISBN-13: 978-0425065334
- Michael for the Millennium. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Berkley Publishing Group;
December 1995.
ISBN: 0425150747
- Michael: The Basic Teachings. Aaron Christeaan, JP Van Hulle, M.C. Clark.
The Guided Crystal; December 1988. ISBN-13:
- Michael on Centers.
JP Van Hulle. E-book - see http://www.michaeleducationalfoundation.com/store
- Michael's Cast of Characters: A Not-So-Serious Guide to the Michael Teachings. Emily
Baumbach. Causalworks; November 1989. ISBN-13:
- Michael's Gemstone Dictionary: Metaphysical Properties of Gems and Minerals. Judithann
David, JP Van Hulle. Affinity Press; June 1990. ISBN-13:
- Michael's Gemstone Dictionary: Metaphysical Properties of Gems and Minerals.
Updated e-book edition (4 parts). See http://www.michaeleducationalfoundation.com/store
- Michael's People. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Berkley Publishing Group;
July 1988.
ASIN: 0425109321
- Michael Speaks: The Legacy of
Sarah Chambers (Volume 1 and 2). Center
for Michael Teachings, Inc., Lulu Press (March 2013). http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/michaelteachings�
- More Messages from Michael - 25th
Anniversary Edition. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Caelum Press
January 2010. ISBN:
- ISBN-13: 978-0976654445
- Parallel Universes: Your Other Selves, Emily Baumbach, 1992, ISBN
- Praying with Power: How to Use Ancient Shamanic Techniques to Gain Maximum Spiritual Benefit and Extraordinary Results Through Prayer
by Jos� Luis Stevens. Watkins Publishing Ltd March 10, 2005.
ISBN: 184293127X or www.thepowerpath.com. (references some aspects of the Michael
- Searching for Light: Michael's Information for a Time of Change. Carol
Heideman. Twelve Star Publishing; December 1, 1994. ISBN: 0964345501
- Secrets of Shamanism: Tapping the Spirit Power Within You. Jos� and Lena
Stevens. Avon Books, 2004 ISBN-13:
978-0380756070 (references some aspects of the Michael system)
- Seven Voices, One Song: Compatibility Between the 7
Archetypal Roles
(e-book, downloadable). Kay Kamala 2010. From www.thepowerpath.com,
click the "Shaman's Market" link to get to books and products.
and purchase/download link.
- Spiritual Turning Points: A Metaphysical Perspective of the Seven Life
Transitions." Victoria Marina-Tompkins. Xlibris Corp.,
2011. Available as an downloadable e-book, or standard printed formats
(paper back or hard cover). ISBN-13:
978-1456825706. For more
information and an excerpt from the book. (This book is an
in-depth review of the 7 internal monads.)
- Tao to Earth: Michael's Guide to Relationships and Growth. Jos� Stevens.
Original 1988. Bear & Co, February 1994. ISBN: 1879181142
- The Journey of Your Soul: A Channel Explores Channeling and the Michael Teachings. Shepherd
Hoodwin. Summerjoy Press; March 1999. ISBN: 1885469071
- The Michael Game: 101 Questions to Ask a Channel and More! The
Michael Digest Group. Warwick Associates, May 1988. ISBN: 0941109011
- The Michael Handbook: A Channeled System for Self Understanding. Jos�
Simon Warwick-Smith. Warwick Associates; March 1988. ISBN: 0941109003.
(First published in 1987 as Essence & Personality: The Michael
Handbook ASIN: B000P3FI3G.)
- The Personality Puzzle: Solving the Mystery of Who You Are. Jos� Stevens, JP Van
Hulle. Progress Press, December 1990. ISBN-13:
- The
Personessence� System for Understanding People by Jos� Luis Stevens - a series of downloadable
e-books (2010). From www.thepowerpath.com,
click the "E-books" link at the bottom of the page. Free
downloadable introduction
format). "The
7 Archetypal Roles" and other related e-books available for purchase/download
at Power Path.
- The Power Path: The Shaman's Way to Success in Business and Life.
Jos� Stevens. New World Library, June 2002. ISBN: 1577312171
- The 7 Aspects of Sisterhood: Empowering Women Through Self-Discovery.
Debra Gawrych. Common Boundaries Consulting &
Communications; September 2002.
ISBN: 0971064601
- The Toolkit for Happiness: A guide to creating a lifetime of greater
happiness. Nancy O'Brien. Experience Happiness, LLC,
2007. ISBN
978-160530-188-4. www.experience.net
- The World According to Michael: An Old Soul's Guide to the Universe. Joya Pope.
Emerald Wave, August 1987. ISBN-13:
- Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into Personal Power.
Jos� Stevens. Bear & Co; July 1994. ISBN: 1879181177
- Upcoming Changes: Prophecy & Pragmatism for the Late Nineties. Joya Pope.
Emerald Wave; October 1995. ISBN: 0942531388
- Upcoming Changes: The Next 20 Years. Joya Pope. Emerald Wave; March
Fiction Books
- Clash
of Souls, W. Lawton Brown. NEO Books, 2005 More about the
book at www.clashofsouls.com.
Amazon: ISBN:
0976958805. [A new adventure novel that pits the forces of good
against forces of evil as the hero tries to deliver a message of hope to
mankind. Like the Celestine Prophesy and The DaVinci Code,
this book provides answers to questions long kept secret. The author
is a dear friend who incorporates parts of the Michael
Teachings to explain how the world works. We enjoyed his new book
- The Second Coming.
John Dalmas. Baen Publishing Enterprises; Distributed by Simon &
Schuster, April 2004. (excerpt-1,
ISBN: 0-7434-8816-4
- Excerpts
from Signature of God, John Dalmas' 2nd book based on the Michael
Teachings (as yet unpublished).
- Use the links to order from Amazon.com.
- Check major bookstores and other book sellers (Barnes & Noble,
BookStar, Crown). Some of the online book sellers sell used books or you can place a request
for a particular book.
- Contact the authors.
- Check local metaphysical bookstores.
- Check your local public library. Many of these books are available
for loan.
- If you still can't find what you want, check with Joy Perasso at
Guided Crystal Books, Orinda, CA phone (925)
254-9162 (e-mail: book [at] mef.to)
- Check with Chaucer's Books, 3321 State St., Santa Barbara,
CA 93105,
phone (805) 682-6787.
Chaucer's has an extensive collection of hard-to-find
books, they take
telephone credit card orders and will ship books to you.
Links to related pages
The Personality Game -
A Practical Personality System for the 90's
instructions: - Self-scoring questionnaire - Learn about your own personality traits
or use for team-building exercises
Famous People -
Personality Attributes of Famous People
Michael Math - Sample-
Understanding "Michael Math" - a sample
Michael Math Forms-
Understanding "Michael Math" - a fill-in-the blanks form.
Numbers - Overview
of the Number Qualities
Michael Books -
Complete list of Michael Books
Michael Concordance
- Sample of Concordance to the Michael Teachings
Mailing List
- Mailing List Form
Spirituality at Work
- Seven Principles of Spirituality in the Workplace
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Page updated: October 16, 2023