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November 2003 - Attitude is Everything
- Overview
- The 7 Attitudes: Skeptic, Idealist,
How to use this material
- Resources (links, books,
articles, humor)
is Everything
How we see the world affects how we feel, our health, our relationships and
every aspect of our day-to-day existence.
If we see the world as a friendly place, it will be. If we see the
world as threatening, it will be.
Inherent in our personality are attitude traits that we can choose to use in
a positive way or we can choose to operate from the negative side of our
personality. People under stress or operating from fear, will tend to go
to the negative aspects of their personality unconsciously. Learning about
yourself and others provides information to make more informed choices about how
we operate and our daily attitude.
In this article, we will share some of the basic personality traits from our
Personality Game as well
as tips for making a choice to operate from the positive of your attitude.
Each person has a basic personality trait in our Personality Game called
their "Attitude." There are seven of these:
Skeptic, Idealist, Stoic, Visionary, Cynic, Realist and Pragmatist.
A person with a Skeptic attitude does not believe things they are told or as
others might believe. Before they go along with something, they must check
it out for themselves.
In the positive use of this attitude, the person investigates thoroughly.
In the negative use of this attitude, they are suspicious of everything.
Skeptics seek the truth and try to draw out the truth. Skeptics are
skeptical about everything in the world and even doubt their own thoughts.
Skeptics make good lawyers, detectives and investigative reporters. Once
they check it out for themselves, they become convinced.
Skeptic can be a hard attitude and Skeptics can be frustrating to deal with
at times. Others can become frustrated with the Skeptic when they
constantly refuse to go along with things that others may take for granted.
A typical Skeptic will not trust what they are told and will ask again and again
to be sure.
The Skeptic might say something like, "I won�t believe it until you
prove it to me." Or, "If it is important, I check and
double-check, and then check again."
Some famous people with a Skeptic attitude include Kim Basinger, Roseanne
Barr, William Buckley, Edgar Casey, Arthur C. Clarke, Sean Connery, Katie Couric,
Michael Crichton, Walter Cronkite, Billy Crystal, Leonardo Da Vinci, Phyllis
Diller, Faye Dunnaway, Bob Dylan, Roger Ebert, Thomas Edison, Clark Gable, Greta
Garbo, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bryant Gumbel, Peter Jennings, Courtney Love, Bette
Midler, Jack Nicholson, Sean Penn, Plato, Jerry Seinfeld, Socrates, Meryl Streep,
Mark Twain, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters.
Think about the story about Thomas Edison, who supposedly found 10,000 ways
NOT to develop a light bulb. Notice how that might demonstrate the
positive side of a Skeptic�s need to check and re-check. Thomas Edison
also had a Mode trait of Perseverance, which helps people stick to a task until
complete. Both demonstrate a worthwhile combination of traits for what he
eventually accomplished.
Skeptics represent about 5% of the world and U.S. population.
A person with an Idealist attitude sees the "ideal" situation,
person or event.
The positive side of the Idealist inspires people to seek a higher ideal.
When that comes together, they coalesce people in search of that ideal goal.
In the negative side, the Idealist becomes very disappointed in themselves or
others. They may be harshly critical of themselves and those who do not
live up to their ideal. They do not see what is real, therefore, they can
be quite na�ve.
They are the people who buy from door-to-door salespeople because they
naively expect others to be what they should be. They can be very na�ve
about the real world, believing that the "ideal" is possible.
The Idealist can be very romantic, thinking every relationship is IT!
The Idealist might say things like, "I see a better way. It ought to be
done right. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do
for your country. I have a dream . . ."
Famous Idealists include Maya Angelou, Marie Antoinette ("Let them eat
cake"), Johan Sebastian Bach, Carlos Castaneda, Fidel Castro, President
Bill Clinton, Frances Ford Coppola, Walt Disney ("All our dreams can come
true, if we have the courage to pursue them"), Jane Fonda, Galileo Galilei,
Steven Hawking, Franz Josef Haydn, Ernest Hemingway, Adolph Hitler, Bob Hope,
Thomas Jefferson, Steven Jobs, Janis Joplin, Grace Kelly, Jacqueline Kennedy,
President John F. Kennedy Jr., Senator Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr.,
Timothy Leary, Martin Luther, Imelda Marcos, Paul McCartney, Michelangelo,
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ralph Nader, Oliver North, Yoko Ono, Evita Peron,
Steven Spielberg, Benjamin Spock, Gloria Steinem, Elizabeth Taylor, Peter
Tchaikovsky, Mao Tse Tung, Vincent Van Gogh, Lech Walensa, Dr. Ruth Westheimer,
Robin Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Think about how Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Michelangelo, Tchaikovsky, Van Gogh,
Steven Spielberg and Walt Disney changed the world through their ability to see
a better way. Notice how President John Kennedy set a challenge that put a
man on the moon ("Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you
can do for your country") and how Martin Luther King Jr. forced a nation to
look at itself ("I have a dream . . ."). Notice how some of the
other famous people tried to achieve their ideal or naively found themselves in
Idealists make up about 10% of the world population and about 30% of the U.S.
The Stoic holds in their expression with a "grin and bear it"
attitude. In the positive side, they are at peace with what is going on.
In the negative side, they are resigned to having to put up with something that
may not be what they want.
Stoics make good police officers because they don�t reveal what they are
thinking in their facial expression. There are many Stoic athletes �
they can sustain intense practice. Stoics are not trying to hide their
feelings; it�s just the way they are built. Other people may ask if they
are okay or wonder why they don�t express more feeling in their facial
Famous people with the Stoic attitude include: Joan Baez, Cher, Marlon Brando,
Michael Caine, Julia Child, Winston Churchill, Gary Cooper, Bing Crosby, Robert
Dole, Queen Elizabeth II, Ulysses S. Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Calamity Jane,
Genghis Kahn, Pope John Paul II, John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela,
Robert Mitchum, Jim Morrison, Benito Mussolini, Martina Navratilova, Willie
Nelson, Pat Nixon, Edward James Olmos, Christopher Reeve, Gautama Siddhartha,
O.J. Simpson, Mr. Spock, Ringo Starr, Denzel Washington, George Washington, John
Wayne, Orson Wells.
Notice how the Stoic attitude shows in someone�s demeanor. Or, how
their lack of facial expression demonstrates their ability to endure and
seemingly remain calm. Alfred Hitchcock�s deadpan expression as he
introduced his weekly television show and Marlon Brando�s stoicism contributed
to their success and to their mystique. The news media described O.J.
Simpson this way: "As the verdict was read, Simpson remained stoic, staring
straight ahead."
Stoics make up about 5% of the world and U.S. population.
(formerly called Spiritualist)
The Visionary attitude sees what "could" be. They see more
possibilities and inspire people to see them. Someone with a Visionary attitude might say, "There are 16 different ways to approach this one.
Most people don�t realize a fraction of their potential. I know I make
the world better."
Because Visionaries are focused on the future, they may have trouble with
present time. They constantly look past everyday things. They love
philosophy and religion. Many feel they could step in and be CEO of their
company because they see the big picture.
The Visionary in the positive side can be quite inspiring. In the
negative side, they can be quite attached to their own beliefs.
Famous Visionaries include Aristotle, Tammy Fae Bakker, Ludwig Beethoven,
Pat Boone, John Bradshaw, Pearl Buck, Barbara Bush, Jimmy Carter, Judy Collins,
Ram Dass, Judy Garland, Billy Graham, Lena Horne, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Saint
Joan of Arc, Carl Jung, Liberace, Shirley Maclaine, Marilyn Monroe, Ralph Nader,
Florence Nightingale, Gwenyth Paltrow, Elvis Presley, Priscilla Presley,
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Winona Ryder, Carl Sagan, Jimmy Swaggart, Mother Teresa, Terry Cole
Whitaker, Stevie Wonder, Kristy Yamaguchi.
Saint Joan of Arc saw possibilities that no one else could see and inspired
an army to follow her lead. Similarly, Mother Teresa saw great
possibilities where others saw only poverty and devastation. Elvis Presley
inspired the world with his music, initially only wanting to sing the gospel
music he loved. In his private life, he studied philosophy and world
religions. Some of the most ardent "preachers" (whether
ministers or not) are Visionaries.
Visionaries comprise about 10% of the world population and about 5% of the
U.S. population.
The Cynic sees the harsh realities of life and helps us avoid disaster.
The Cynic might say, "If things can go wrong, they will. Murphy�s
Law is alive and well."
In the positive side, they help us see the other side of things, arguing as
the Devil�s Advocate. In the negative side, they denigrate everything.
Cynics are willing to look at the dark side of life and see the opposite of
everyone else�s views. They often use dark humor.
Cynics can be very hard to be around because they are always at odds with the
majority, yet they play a very valuable role for society by helping us see the
Famous people include Woody Allen, John Belushi, Humphrey Bogart, James
Cagney, George Carlin, Marie Curie, Bette Davis, James Dean,
Marianne Faithfull, Whoopie Goldberg, Mick Jagger, Ayatollah Khomeini, Larry
King, Stephen King, Charles Manson, River Phoenix, Edgar Allen Poe, Joan Rivers,
Oliver Stone, Tennessee Williams.
Notice how Woody Allen and George Carlin use their Cynic attitude to create
humor while helping us see the dark side. Edgar Allen Poe showed us how to
look at our hidden fears in a compelling way. River Phoenix exemplified
the Cynic attitude in this quote, "The biggest problem was I was terrible
for commercials - I couldn�t smile on cue. Commercials were too phony
for me. It was selling a product, and who owns the product? Are they
supporting apartheid? I just didn�t like the whole thing, even though it
helped us pay the rent. How could I tell anybody to drink cranberry
juice? I didn�t drink it. I didn�t believe what I was
Cynics comprise about 5% of the world and U.S. population.
The Realist sees things as they are � they see what is real, as opposed to
the Idealist who sees "what should be" or the Visionary who sees
"what could be."
The positive aspect of the Realist is their ability to be Objective. In
the negative side, they can be subjective, seeing only their own biased version
of reality.
The realist might say something like, "This is probably what will happen.
I can see all sides to a situation."
Realists can be impartial and non-judgmental by seeing all sides of an issue
or argument. They make excellent negotiators, judges and planners,
although they are slower to come to a decision because they must evaluate all
sides rather than jumping to a conclusion as other attitudes might do.
Famous people include Bella Abzug, Princess Anne, Corazon Aquino, Senator
Barbara Boxer, Christie Brinkley, Tom Brokow, Albert Brooks, Jane Bryant Quinn,
Hans Blix, Cleopatra, Joan Collins, Russell Crowe, Princess Diana of England,
Elizabeth Dole, Clint Eastwood, Albert Einstein, Senator Diane Feinstein,
Michael J. Fox, Lorne Greene, George Frederic Handel, Katherine Hepburn, Rock
Hudson, Immanuel Kant, Spike Lee, Madonna, Mary Tyler Moore, Sandra Day O�Connor,
Colin Powell, Beverly Sills, Gene Siskel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sharon Stone,
Abigail Van Buren, Mae West, Winnie the Pooh.
Notice how the Realist attitude helps U.S. Supreme Court Judge Sandra Day O�Connor
consider court cases that affect the lives of many people. How it is
useful for Abigail Van Buren, who writes the "Dear Abby" column.
And, how important being a Realist is for Hans Blix, who heads the United
Nations team searching for evidence of nuclear materials in Iraq.
Realists comprise about 10% of the world population and about 30% of the U.S.
The Pragmatist sees what is practical or economical. In the positive
side, they are great at improving productivity, cutting to the heart of a matter
and eliminating waste. In the negative side, they may jump quickly to an
efficient solution without seeing all aspects of an issue. They can also
be dogmatic and boring, seeing what they think is most efficient, not
what others might think is most effective.
The Pragmatist might say, "Do it my way, because it�s most
efficient." Most Pragmatists are Intellectually centered.
Pragmatists who are Emotionally center have a very hard time (it�s just not
practical to be emotional). Pragmatists are the most able to shift to
other attitudes when needed.
Pragmatists are least less likely to run off and be impulsive. They
tend to organize their life. Often, they need to learn to loosen up and be
spontaneous. They can get stuck in too much planning and miss the fun.
Pragmatists are drawn to our Personality Game if it makes sense to them
because it organizes personalities.
Famous Pragmatists include Prince Andrew of England, Mary Kay Ash, Fred
Astaire, Jim Bakker, Lucille Ball, Lloyd Bentsen, Charles Bronson, President
George Bush (Sr.), George Washington Carver, Senator Hilary Clinton, Michael
Dell, Werner Erhard, Mikhail Gorbachev, Dustin Hoffman, Lee Iacocca, Jesse
Jackson, Angela Lansbury, Lee Iacocca, Paul Newman, President Richard Nixon,
William Shakespeare, Cybill Shepherd, Carly Simon, Martha Stewart, Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher, Lily Tomlin, Donald Trump.
Notice how the Pragmatist attitude is helpful to Senator Hilary Clinton as
she makes decisions affecting her constituents. How it could have helped
Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister of England. And, how useful it might
be for Michael Dell, president of Dell Computers or Donald Trump as head of an
international empire. Lady Godiva demonstrated pragmatism in her choice to
use her hair as protective covering for her famous ride through town.
Angela Lansbury demonstrated the Pragmatist attitude in her television role as
writer, Jessica Fletcher who solves many mysteries.
Pragmatists comprise about 20% of the population.
From these descriptions, you should be able to determine what your attitude
is according to our system.
- Pay attention to whether you are operating in the positive side of your
attitude or the negative side of your attitude.
- When you catch yourself in the negative side, consciously switch to the
positive side.
- Notice how people react to you differently when you are in your positive
- Notice how much more effective you are in the positive side.
- Try to determine the attitude of others you work with closely.
- Notice when they are in the positive or negative side of their attitude
and how effective they are (or are not).
- If you are a manager or supervise others, help your staff operate from
their positive aspects.
We have witnessed seemingly miraculous changes in people who decided to look
at themselves and operate from a positive attitude every day.
A great example is the Pike Place Fish Market (www.pikeplacefish.com),
which has created a series of training videos to explain how they decided to
have fun at work. They now sell their techniques in videos, consulting
services and training workshops.
There are four steps to the FISH! Philosophy:
- Play
- Make the customer�s day
- Be there
- Choose your attitude.
As the Pike Place market employees say, Choose Your
Attitude and Have Fun
every day! The benefits will be well worth the effort.
As we enter the holiday season, may you remember to be grateful for all the
wonderful blessings you have and may your positive daily attitude bring you even
more blessings.
These links provide some different views of the names of the Attitudes:
Question: How many Mensans does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: 66.
- Eleven philosophers to ponder whether it is possible to actually do
- Ten semanticists to debate the various possible meanings of each phrase,
word, and syllable
- Nine columnists to write about it from radically different viewpoints
- Eight letter writers to respond vehemently with opposing points of view
- Seven Quibblers who delight in pointing out others' mistakes (what is said
is not as important as saying it correctly)
- Six conservatives who believe things should stay the way they are
- Five liberals who believe that action should be taken immediately to form
a committee to study possible action
- Four ornery SOBs who disagree on principal with anything anyone else has
- Three peacemakers who believe it's more important to work it out without
showing any more emotions than necessary to get it done
- Two statisticians who maintain that numbers are more important than facts;
- One Pragmatist to ignore the bureaucratic piles of paperwork
and replace the bad bulb with a good one.
Whilst all this is going on, all the Mensans are keeping count in their heads
just to make absolutely sure what it really does add up to 66. <from http://lightbulb.glowport.com/lig041.html>
Words to Ponder:
You are now at a crossroads.
This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make.
Forget your past.
Who are you now?
Who have you decided you really are now?
Don't think about who you have been.
Who are you now?
Who have you decided to become?
Make this decision consciously.
Make it carefully.
Make it powerfully.
- Anthony Robbins
- Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
Each of the following books contain a section on the Attitudes. These
are all out of print. See the next section below for tips on finding them.
- Michael: The Basic Teachings. Aaron Christeaan, JP Van Hulle, M.C. Clark.
The Guided Crystal; (December 1988)
SIN: 0942663012
- Michael's Cast of Characters: A Not-So-Serious Guide to the Michael Teachings. Emily
Baumbach. Causalworks; (November 1989) ASIN: 0942663071
- The Michael Handbook. Jose Stevens,
Simon Warwick-Smith. Warwick Associates; (March 1988) ISBN: 0941109003
- The World According to Michael: An Old Soul's Guide to the Universe. Joya Pope.
Emerald Wave; (August 1987) ASIN: 0942531000
How to Locate or Order Books
- Use the links to order from Amazon.com.
- Check major bookstores and other book sellers (Barnes & Noble,
BookStar, Crown). Some of the online book sellers sell used books or you can place a request
for a particular book.
- Contact the authors.
- Check local metaphysical bookstores.
- Check your local public library. Many of these books are available
for loan.
- If you still can't find what you want, check with Joy Perasso at
Guided Crystal Books, Orinda, CA phone (925)
254-9162 (e-mail: book [at] mef.to)
- Check with Chaucer's Books, 3321 State St., Santa Barbara,
CA 93105,
phone (805) 682-6787.
Chaucer's has an extensive collection of hard-to-find books. They take
telephone credit card orders and will ship books to you.
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
If you have comments about this month's topic, please let us know or take our
newsletter survey. If you would like
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