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Barbara Taylor is a certified trainer for Power Path Seminars. She
has been studying the system we call The Personality
Game for more than 10 years and has taught it in a coaching format
to corporate clients for more than 5 years. We are pleased to now
offer this powerful material in a corporate training format.
Power Path Seminars is a series of workshops created by
Jose & Lena Stevens of Pivotal
Resources Inc. Workshops in this series have been presented in
the United States, Canada, Peru, Venezuela, United Kingdom, Iceland,
Finland, Egypt, Japan, Mexico and Russia.
Thousands of people have participated in this training and found it
dramatically improved their business success and their personal
Workshops titles include:
- Power Communication: Understanding Styles of Communication
(1 day)
- The Seven Character Roles: Understanding Personality Essence
(1 day)
- The Seven Attitudes: Understanding Personality Viewpoints
(1 day)
- Principles of Power Management: Power and Balance in the
Workplace (1 day or 2 days)
- Transforming Your Dragons: Overcoming Obstacles to Success (offered in 1/2 day, 1 day or 3
day formats)
- The Nine Needs (1 day)
Why the Power Path Seminars � models are timely and
Product development, production, marketing and sales
all depend on trust, good communication, cooperation and effective
relationships to produce their magic of success. No other body of
knowledge that we know of so directly addresses both the fundamental
causes behind time and revenue losses at the core of the corporate world
and the tools to correct and remedy those causes. Addressing loss of
productivity effectively is at the top of the priority list for
businesses, corporations and organizations � large and small
� around the
In addition to addressing the weaknesses of an
organization, these models also provide for structures in which to
identify and support the strengths of individuals and groups thus making
the workplace an even more powerful venue for achieving success without
compromising integrity. The information you will gain in any of the
workshops is applicable immediately to every corporate
situation that exists. Because the models are based on many universal
and cross-cultural principles, they will ring true when presented and
are easy to grasp. Corporate executives and trainers have repeatedly
stated unequivocally how powerful and valuable the information is to
their companies.
Detailed descriptions of the workshop models:
- Overview of Workshops Models
- The Seven Character Role
s: Understanding
Personality Essence
The Seven Attitudes: Understanding Personality
Power Communication: Understanding Styles
of Communication
The Principles of Power Management: Power and
Balance in the Workplace
Transforming Your Dragons: Overcoming Obstacles to Success
Comments from past attendees
Cost for onsite training workshops.
We reveal the power of effective communication through a unique
new model containing three communication styles in six sequences. The
sequences, the negative and positive aspects, and the four steps to
effective communication are all crucial to managing conflict, creating
harmony and increasing productivity.
We focus on handling communication challenges that
tend to disrupt relationships and create alienation in the workplace.
You will dramatically improve your business relationship skills by understanding the
essential ingredients of powerful communication. <more
details about this workshop>
Model: The Seven Character Roles: Understanding
Personality Essence
Through understanding the essential differences between people, this
model of the seven character types , which we call
increases skills for coaching,
interviewing, matching people with projects, placement, and recognizing
strengths and weaknesses. This workshop dramatically illustrates the
specific contributions of each type of person and helps you understand
people as never before. We closely cover the following types of
people: Artisan,
King and
Scholar. <more
details about this workshop>
Model: The Seven Attitudes: Understanding
Personality Viewpoints
This is a model of seven ways of viewing the world that
helps you to
identify and understand the different lenses people use to see, judge,
act on and react to in their world. Use of this eye-opening model
increases interpersonal awareness, coaching effectiveness, and assists
in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the Idealist,
Stoic and
P ragmatist.
details about this workshop>
Model: Principles of Power Management: Power
and Balance in the Workplace
In this workshop you will learn about power and balance in the workplace
as well as how to use the chaos of stress and disorganization to organize it
into harmonious and productive elements.
You will learn essential tools
for managing time and eliminating power and energy waste, invigorating
and empowering the workplace, creating a clear vision and path of power,
and putting together appropriate configurations and power teams to
create a strong foundation for success. This is a unique model based in
part on understanding the natural principles of shamanic indigenous
wisdom. <more details about this workshop>
Model: Moving Beyond the Obstacles:
Transforming the Seven Fear Patterns
This is a workshop identifies and
explains the seven basic fear patterns that run people under stress.
Understand how to deal with " the impossible to please,"
"the resistant to change" and "the whiner"
personalities. Learn what promotes these patterns, how to reduce their
effects and what can be done to eliminate "Dragon behavior"
entirely thus increasing harmony and productivity. <more
details about this workshop>

for Workshops:
$1,500 per day for onsite training plus travel expenses for
trainer (if any). Cost may be different depending on specific
client requirements or needs.
Ideal workshop size is a minimum of 8 people and a maximum of
20 people for the 1-3 day workshops. The material may also be
presented in a coaching format with 1 or more people in a small
In addition to the daily training fee, there is a
$75.00 per person materials fee for in-depth workbooks for 1-day
workshops. Materials fees for 2-day or 3-day workshops are $195 per
person. Workbook materials are less for non-profit
organizations. Most workshops use videos, overheads and other
handouts, in addition to the workbook. All workshops are designed for active participation of
attendees, including role-playing and in-depth discussion of the material.
Contact us for specifics if you are
interested. There is a growing network of Power Path
certified trainers in the U.S. and Europe.
1 day
We reveal the power of effective communication through a unique model containing three communication styles in six sequences. The
sequences, the positive and negative aspects, and the four steps to
effective communication are all crucial to managing conflict, creating
harmony and increasing productivity.
We focus on handling communication challenges that
tend to disrupt relationships and create alienation in the workplace.
You will dramatically improve your business skills by understanding the
essential ingredients of powerful communication.
Communication styles are natural powerful systems that people use to
react to their world and translate their experience to others. These
styles are entirely different from one another yet anyone who conducts
business must have an appreciation for all three in order to operate in
a highly effective and productive manner. There are three primary
communication styles whose basics are quite easy to understand in a
short period of time. Mastering them takes more time and is well worth
the effort. The three different styles contribute to a rich and varied
workplace and without them business could simply not be conducted.
When people of different communication styles attempt to communicate
with each other, there can be grave misunderstandings and conflict over
who meant what. This can play havoc with potentially
successful business transactions, plans and teamwork. Learning to
identify communication styles and understand how they operate is
critical for successful communication on the job.
Workshop Objectives
After attending this workshop about communication styles you will be
able to:
- Correctly assess your own communication style or primary
reaction center.
- Understand the three primary communication styles.
- Clearly identify the positive and negative aspects of each
communication style.
- Understand the results of positive and negative behavior.
- Understand the sequence of your reaction centers and the
consequences for you and others.
- Understand the traps and balancers in your communication style.
- Be able to identify specific communication styles in others.
- Know how to communicate with people of different communication
- Understand the advantages of knowing all the communication
- Know how people of different communication styles relate with
each other; pitfalls and advantages.
- Understand the four steps to good communication.
- Know the four aspects of challenging communication.
1 day
Through understanding the essential differences between people, this
model of the seven character types increases skills for coaching,
interviewing, matching people with projects, placement and recognizing
strengths and weaknesses. This workshop dramatically illustrates the contributions of each type of person and helps you understand
people as never before. We closely cover the following types of
people: Artisan, Sage, Server, Priest, Warrior, King and Scholar.
A knowledge of personality roles in business can be immeasurably valuable when it
comes to employing people to do the jobs they are instinctively designed
to do. People who are mismatched with their employment cause businesses
to dramatically lower productivity, efficiency, morale, time, profits
and resources. We cannot stress enough that people whose work matches
their role are happy, fulfilled and satisfied � leading to a powerful and
highly productive work experience.
Workshop Objectives
After attending this workshop about roles and aspects of roles you
will be able to:
- Understand the advantages of knowing all seven roles.
- Correctly assess your own primary role.
- Understand your secondary role.
- Clearly identify the positive and negative aspects of each role.
- Understand the results of positive and negative role behavior in
a work setting.
- Identify specific roles in the workplace by appearance and
- Know how to communicate advantageously with people of each role.
- Coach others to understand the value of roles and aspects.
- Learn about the inner aspects of all seven roles.
- Identify strong aspects and their contribution in the workplace.
- Identify the weaker aspects and how to strengthen them.
- Learn how
support the role aspects within a corporate structure.
1 day
This is workshop trains you to
identify and understand the different lenses people use to see, judge,
act on and react to in their world. Use of this eye-opening model
increases interpersonal awareness, coaching effectiveness, and assists
in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the person.
There are a variety of Attitudes and each one has an important
contribution to make in how one looks at the world around them. With a
little observation, you may notice that each person you meet tends to
hold a habitual attitude that gives them a typical way of seeing the
world. You might then say of someone, "Oh, she is such an
idealist!" or "Boy, is he ever a cynic."
Your main
attitude is your primary viewpoint and is how you view everything in
your life. It is the lens through which you look at the world, so while
everyone may see the same event, they are seeing it through a different
colored lens. For some, the event will appear to be red while for another
it will look blue. All attitudes have their favorable points and their
limitations. You can also adopt a different attitude for the time-being
but generally you will return to your primary attitude developed over
years of imprinting and conditioning.
There are seven primary attitudes that you will find over
and over throughout all the population around the world regardless of
race, gender, culture or age. These are: Skepticism, Idealism,
Stoicism, Spiritualism, Cynicism, Realism and Pragmatism. Knowing a
little about each one can be of tremendous help in understanding
yourself and other people so that you can communicate better with them.
Workshop Objectives
After attending this workshop about attitudes you will be able to:
- Correctly assess your own primary attitude.
- Understand your secondary attitude.
- Clearly identify the positive and negative aspects of each
- Understand the results of positive and negative behavior.
- Be able to identify specific attitudes in others.
- Know how to communicate with people of various attitudes.
- Understand the advantages of knowing all seven attitudes.
In this workshop you will learn about power and balance in the workplace
as well as how to use the chaos of stress and disorganization to organize it
into harmonious and productive elements. You will learn essential tools
for managing time, eliminating power and energy waste, invigorating
and empowering the workplace, creating a clear vision and path of power,
and putting together appropriate configurations and power teams to
create a strong foundation for success. This is a unique model based in
part on understanding the natural principles of shamanic indigenous
For an productive work environment, it is essential to know how to
create balance in the workplace. Most organizations suffer from chaos
and stress often caused by disorganization, a lack of priorities,
inappropriate expectations, a lack of practical structure or a plan of
Power and Balance in the Workplace will be addressed through
three main topics:
- Time and power management
through understanding the practices, habits and attitudes that vitalize an
organization as well as the practices, habits and attitudes that create and promote
power leaks and energy waste in an organization.
- The principles of vision and proper goal setting for success.
- The configurations of people that create the
appropriate power teams to accomplish the goals in the most efficient
and effective way.
The 2-day format spends more time on each of the topics.
Workshop Objectives
After attending the workshop, you will be able to:
- Understand what practices cause and promote power leaks and
energy waste.
- Understand what practices promote vitality and how to empower a
- Coach others effectively in better time management.
- Assist others in creating a path of power, a clear vision and
reachable, practical goals.
- Understand the strength and weaknesses of each configuration and
power team.
- Understand the different roles and aspects of each position of a
power team.
- Assist through coaching in creating the configuration needed for
a project or goal.
- Be effective in assisting your clients with chaos and stress in
their work environment.
Full workshop 3 days (can be
taught in 1/2 day or 1 format)
This is a workshop for training and coaching that identifies and
explains the seven basic fear patterns that run people under stress.
Understand how to deal with "the impossible to please,"
"the resistant to change" and "the whiner"
personalities. Learn what promotes these patterns, how to reduce their
effects and what can be done to eliminate "Dragon behavior"
entirely thus increasing harmony and productivity.
The dragons arise in response to fear and show up most often in
stressful situations. Just when you are about to miss the deadline on an
important project, need to represent your company at a meeting with an
important prospect or are faced with a rare promotional interview, the
dragons show up to take advantage of your fear. They are parasites that
live off your energy and vitality and sabotage you in those critical
moments. Unless you transform the dragons or get rid of them, you will
become their slave. Instead of meeting the challenge productively,
you will act from them to your detriment. Fortunately the dragons are
the one personality trait you can erase with discipline and
In business, the dragons are responsible for indescribable losses of
productivity, fatigue, illness, waste of resources and manpower, low
self-esteem, sabotage of resources and low morale. Without these
dragons, productivity, morale, creativity, sales and resourcefulness
shoot up to the highest levels. People in all staff positions are able
to meet their potential, realize their talents, communicate better and
work cooperatively together. Without awareness of the dragons,
business is at the mercy of age-old forces that have been undermining
commerce for centuries.
Workshop Objectives
After attending this workshop about Transforming Your Dragons you
will be able to:
- Understand the advantages of knowing all seven dragons.
- Know the specific steps in the development of each obstacle.
- Know the weapons to defeat the obstacles.
- Correctly assess your own primary obstacle and understand your
secondary obstacle.
- Be able to identify specific dragons in others.
- Be able to know how to avoid being seduced by obstacles in other
- Know how to communicate advantageously with people having
various obstacles.
- Be able to teach others about the importance of clearing the
seven dragons.
- Help others to understand the natures of the seven obstacles.
- Understand the definition of a healthy dragon-free person.
The 1/2 day workshop provides an overview of the dragons. The
1-day workshop covers more material. The 3-day format provides
time for in-depth study of the material
The following are quotes from highly successful
executives and professionals who have been exposed to the material in
the Power Path Seminars � models in consultations and trainings.
Here is what they are saying about their experience:
"Their excellence lies in their insight into
human character and motivation, explaining it to others, using the
result in planning, and strategizing within the personal and business
spheres." Brian Arthur, Citibank Professor, Santa
Fe Institute; formerly Dean and Virginia Morrison Professor of
Population Studies and Economics, Stanford University
"This has helped raise the level of
professionalism in our office and has made us much more effective
advocates for our clients." Mark Mueller, Mueller
Law Offices, Austin, Texas; leading birth injury litigators in State of
"The Stevens have unique insight into the nature
of people, their behavior, thought processes and their different styles
of communication." Dennis Flynn, CEO and founder, DT
Trading, Chicago, Illinois; member of Chicago board of trade with over
sixty traders and support staff
"It is clear to us that we received a
substantial net benefit in terms of employee morale and operating costs,
easily justifying our use of Pivotal Resources (Power Path Seminars)
over an extended period and many different circumstances." Charles
Miller, Owner Sol y Sombra; Trustee, University of Texas; formerly CEO,
Meridian Investment Corporation
"Some of the insights Jose has shared regarding
dealing with my opponents have led to huge results that I otherwise
would have missed." Guy Saperstein, consultant and
trustee, Sierra Club. Included in National Journal�s list of "The
100 most influential attorneys in America" for the last six years.
"As you know, the entertainment industry can be
a very chaotic world and navigating its waters can be an overwhelming
experience at times. Thanks to you and your coaching, I have been able
to navigate very challenging circumstances smoothly and successfully.
Your perspective reliably and consistently provides clarity in
situations I would otherwise find too complex or convoluted to
resolve." Joyce DeWitt; stage and screen actress; cast
member of "Three�s Company," voted one of the longest
running most successful sitcoms in the history of television.
"The principles developed by Jose and Lena
Stevens, as partially outlined in the book "Transforming Your
Dragons" and specifically in their Power Path Seminar training
courses, have been indispensable in helping my clients to achieve their
goals. The understanding of how to identify and work with fear, improve
communication and achieve goals through a greater sense of personal
power, are just some of the skills effectively taught in their
programs." Laurie Skreslet, mountain guide and
motivational speaker; first Canadian to climb Mount Everest; formerly
Outward Bound instructor for 11 years; over 1600 professional
presentations and keynote addresses
This page is http://www.itstime.com/power-path.htm
Page updated: October 16, 2023