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September 2006 - The Power of Thought
- Horses and the Power of Thought
- How to Apply These Techniques in Business Settings
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
Power of Thought
This month we have a dear friend as our guest author talking about her
experience in working with horses. We've added a section about how you can
use similar techniques in business.
and the Power of Thought
By Leigh Shambo
It is sometimes said, and always true, that it is not WHAT we think but HOW
we think that makes the difference. In this new age of horsemanship, where
we can learn to work with the horse’s mind instead of forcing their bodies,
the value of this statement is proven time and again. The art of
"horse whispering" is really the art of accurately perceiving and
creatively thinking about a particular horse in a particular moment, letting
intuition guide us in choosing actions and methods that gently guide the horse
into a collaborative training experience. This art depends just as much on
letting the horse teach us what he needs, as on communicating to him what our
desires are.
Horses are so sensitive to and perceptive about our non-verbal thoughts,
intentions and values that in many moments it truly seems that they are reading
our minds — often even better than we know our own! The following story
illustrates simply and clearly the power of our thoughts to change the training
My riding student Becky had been working with a quick, expressive and
impetuous Arabian named Jazz. Becky had a bit of fearfulness about riding
Jazz and liked to check out his compliance level by longeing
him prior to riding. Becky is an experienced horsewoman and her
longeing techniques were well-honed. On this particular day, Jazz was
responding to all of Becky’s signals with accuracy — changing gaits and
making turns precisely on cue in response to Becky’s well-practiced
methods. However, his defiant head tossing and an occasional tail swish
made Becky wonder if things would go smoothly once she mounted and began her
I could see that Becky’s technique was effective, so I began questioning
her about what thoughts she was having as she longed Jazz. She reported,
"I want him to do each thing I ask and to do it promptly when I ask.
I want him to accept me as the leader." When I asked if there was
anything else, she said, "Well, I want him to be … happy about it!"
I asked her to observe Jazz and tell me what he wanted from her. A long
pause ensued as she watched him. Finally, she said just one word —
"Harmony." I suggested that Becky not change her actions or her
method just hold the word harmony foremost in her thoughts, just ahead of
accuracy, timing and obedience. Almost instantly, Becky was rewarded by
Jazz’s relaxation and a softening in his eye and facial expression. On
his now quiet head, she could observe his ear rotating toward her in eagerness
for her next command. His tail no longer swished in irritation, it lifted
a bit and swung gently in rhythm with his gaits. Within moments Becky said
eagerly, "Now I know — I feel — his readiness for me to
ride!" Even I was amazed at the power of one thought, held firmly in
the rider’s mind, to produce such a dramatic change in this horse’s attitude
and demeanor, instantly!
This experience took place several years ago and since then I have pursued
training and education about the mental, emotional and energetic aspects of our
bond with horses. When we deepen the bond by affirming and attending to
the horse’s ability to know what is in our mind, we become aware that our own
barely conscious thoughts and values impact the relationship. When we
learn to work creatively with this knowledge — magic happens. In fact,
the magic is so palpable, so profound, that the effects extend well beyond the
horse arena and into all of our relationships and even our dreams for
ourselves. By attending specifically to the invisible reality of our
thoughts, feelings and unconscious conditioning we create a bond of
understanding that enhances and illuminates whatever actions, methods and
techniques we choose.
to apply this information to business settings
It may seem at first that "whispering" to horses has nothing to do
with business. However, the power of our thoughts, our emotions and our
attitudes in dealing with others is greatly underestimated.
Studies have proven that teachers who see students as bright and articulate
often find their students are bright and articulate, while teachers who believe
their students are under-achievers will also find their students are
Some specific examples of how to try these techniques when dealing with others in business settings:
- Before a meeting to resolve a conflict, set the intention that all parties
will arrive at a mutually beneficial solution. Hold this belief firmly
in your mind during the meeting and tell the parties that you expect a
beneficial solution to be the outcome. Keep repeating your positive
intention mentally and verbally even if it seems that the meeting is going
in a different direction. Afterwards, continue to hold the thought
that there will be a mutually beneficial solution.
- Before meeting with an employee about a discipline issue, set your
intention that you will both arrive at a workable solution that can be
implemented. Tell your employee this at the beginning of the meeting
and continue to hold this thought during the meeting. Keep repeating
your positive intention mentally and verbally even if it seems that the
meeting is going in a different direction. Afterwards, continue to
hold the thought that there will be a mutually workable solution.
- Before meeting with your boss about a proposal, set your intention that
you will both leave with a clear understanding of the best way to go
forward. Tell your boss your intention when you start and continue to
hold that thought during the meeting. Keep repeating your positive
intention mentally and verbally even if it seems that the meeting is going
in a different direction. Afterwards, continue to hold the thought
that there will be a clear understanding of the best way to go forward.
- Before going into a staff meeting, hold the intention that all issues will
be resolved to the mutual benefit of all attending the meeting. Hold
that thought during the meeting and express your intention verbally as well
during the meeting. Keep repeating your positive intention mentally
and verbally even if it seems that the meeting is going in a different
direction. Afterwards, continue to hold the thought that there will be
a mutually beneficial solution.
- Before dealing with any uncomfortable situation, set your intention that
the result with be peaceful resolution with all parties coming to
agreement. Continue to hold that intention and repeatedly remind
yourself of your intention. If things seem to be going in a different
direction, bring yourself back to holding your intention in mind, no matter
how difficult the situation becomes.
- Before confronting someone you don’t particularly like, set your
intention that you will come to a mutually beneficial conclusion. Hold
this thought during your negotiations and remind yourself and the other
person(s) of your intention if necessary. Even if things seem to be
going badly, continuing to affirm your intention until the situation is
completely resolved.
- When meeting with a friend, partner, spouse, colleague or someone else
close to you, set your intention that the meeting will be peaceful,
harmonious and you will both (all) leave feeling good about what
happens. Hold this thought during your meeting and afterwards, even if
it seems that things are not going as well as you had hoped.
These seemingly simple techniques can achieve powerful
results. What have you got to lose in trying them? We have used
these methods many, many times and seen almost miraculous changes in the way
situations turn out compared to the potential for explosion, disruptions and
harmful outcomes that might have existed before. Over time and with
practice, you will find that you will naturally expect the best outcomes and the
best will happen for you and for those you deal with.
the Author
Author Leigh Shambo, MSW, is a clinical therapist and educator
whose first career was horse training and instruction. Leigh is widely
recognized for her articulation of the horse-human bond and its application in
therapeutic and learning programs. She is the founder and lead therapist
for Human-Equine Alliances for Learning (HEAL), a non-profit charitable
organization that supports equine-assisted services and programs for healing,
personal growth and riding/training. Her website is www.humanequinealliance.org.
More information and educational opportunities are also available through Epona
Equestrian Services, www.taoofequus.com.
- Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive
Thinking, Charlene M. Proctor. The Goddess Network Press,
2005. ISBN
- The Women's Book of Empowerment, Charlene M. Proctor. The
Goddess Network Press, 2005. ISBN
- The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale.
Ballantine Books (1952, Reissue edition 1996) ISBN
- The Power of Positive Thinking in Business: 10 Traits for Maximum
Results, Scott Ventrella. Free Press, 200. ISBN
- How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life, Tom
Rath and Donald O. Clifton. Gallup Press, 2004. ISBN
Related newsletter articles:
November 1999 - Workplace Energy Dynamics
November, 1997 - Learning Flexibility
- Big things are expected of us and nothing big ever came of being small. ..
Bill Clinton
- A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an
optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” .. Winston Churchill
- The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the
intangible and achieves the impossible. .. unknown
- If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the
way you think about it. .. Mary Engelbreit
- Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones,
you'll start having positive results. .. Willie Nelson
- It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to
survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. ..
Robert H. Schuller
- No one can ever overcome anything until his thoughts are
creative and positive. .. Norman Vincent Peale
- A positive attitude can really make dreams come true -
it did for me. .. David Bailey
- Quotes about Attitude http://www.quotegarden.com/attitude.html
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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