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September 2009 - Right Timing
- What is Right Timing?
- Wake up call
- Examples of Right Timing
- Where are you in relation to what you want?
- Tips to find that perfect balance of the
right thing at the right time
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
Timing: Learning to flow with the rhythm of life
What is "Right Timing"?
Allowing ourselves to flow with the river of life – easy does it –
letting things move as they need to do at exactly the right time. Not
fighting an uphill battle to make life something it is not.
ALLOWING life to give us what we need.
BEING in exactly the right place
at the right time.
Today, as I woke up, I realized that my life is in a place of feeling very
balanced, very smooth, very little stress and that things are happening
according to a plan that is not necessarily what my own little brain is
planning. Yet, I’m feeling great and not at all "in control"
of what is happening. The amazing thing is that I’m also enjoying it.
a brand new experience for me!
Normally, I feel stressed, pushing to get things done, done right and done
"on time." I always feel that I’m letting someone down if I
can’t do what they want me to do when they want me to do it.
Last month, I took my computer into the shop for what I thought would be a
minor repair. While my computer was away, I had a chance to sit in my back
yard for about 30 minutes and do absolutely nothing. Nothing at all –
just listening to the birds, to sound of gentle breeze in the trees, the
muted sounds of neighbors and watching the squirrels playing along the top of
the fence running from tree to tree.
I could not remember the last time I had just stopped like that. It was
a "wake up call" for me that my life had gotten totally out of my
control and was being run by all those demands that people asked of me and that
I did without consciously thinking about whether it was something I wanted to do
or not.
I was on a treadmill, running constantly and not even aware of it!
Does anyone else have that feeling – like being a squirrel caught in a
spinning wheel without knowing how to get off?
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been getting lots of lessons and reminders
about "right timing."
A few recent examples: Last week, I was invited to a wedding vow renewal and
10th anniversary party. The invitation said it was from 6 –
10 PM. Thinking that I didn’t want to be too early, I left about 10 minutes
before 6:00 with only about a 3-minute journey to the home of the anniversary
couple. I arrived just a few minutes before the wedding started.
They were very punctual! I realized that was another lesson about right
timing – trusting my own instincts to get me where I needed to be at exactly
the right time.
About 2 months ago, I asked a friend for a referral for someone to do some
repair work on my house. I carried around the phone number for a few
weeks. Finally, one evening, I picked up the phone. Amazingly, the
person I was calling was only a few minutes away from my house and was able to
come over and give me an estimate that evening. Another reminder about
right timing.
I had wanted to update one of my books for quite a while and never seemed to
get around to it. One day recently, I decided it was time. Within a
matter of hours, I was able to make the changes and get a proof copy of the book
ordered. I was amazed at how it all flowed like magic, and made note that
it was simply the "right time" for that update to happen.
When I left the office recently, I got a voice mail from a friend who was
struggling with how to terminate a contract. She asked if I could meet for
dinner for some help. I wasn’t able to reach her right away and didn’t
want to head home because I live in the opposite direction from where she
lives. While I waited, I realized I had some rough notes in my car for a
project that I had not had time to delve into. I chose to use the time
while I was waiting for her return call to work on that project – sitting
outside on a very pleasant late afternoon, I was able to enjoy the weather, slow
down, listen to the birds, feel the gentle breeze and spend some time gathering
my thoughts on the project. It was a very productive 30 minutes and very
restful while I was working. We did meet for dinner and were quickly able
to work out a strategy for her to follow. The entire event was unexpected
for both of us and turned out to be very productive while being very easy.
That’s a great example of right timing and allowing things to unfold, rather
than forcing them to happen.
I’ve had quite a few other similar things happen recently that reminded me
that there is a time to push and fight for what we want, and there is also a
"right time" when things will just flow easily — if only we are
willing to allow that to happen.
How many times have you had meetings scheduled all day long and you were
wishing you could catch up or work on some special project? Did you notice
one day that several meeting were cancelled? And, that gave you time to
work on that project or do something you didn’t think you’d be able to
do? Those are great examples of right timing.
About my computer: They never did figure out how to fix the problem after
keeping it a week. After much frustration, I finally realized that I could
do what I needed to do a different way. The result: I
had to change. The way I had done things before no longer
worked no matter how much I tried to force it to work. The computer
technicians and I had tried every fix known to mankind and it still would not do
what I wanted done in the way I used to do it! The Universe was just not
cooperating with my idea of the perfect plan — it seems that it had a plan of
its own.
I know I’m not the only person who has ever had that experience!
Eventually, I decided to take a vacation from some of my obligations for the
month of August and it has really been an amazing time of feeling truly balanced
for the first time in many years.
Is anyone suffering because I’m not meeting their demands? Actually,
no. Life is still going on without me and I’ve been able to accomplish
some long-postponed things that I wanted to do for myself. I am still
doing the essential things. I have given up just enough to give me some
room for myself.
Our business motto "It’s time for new ways of doing business" has
been with us for a very long time, yet the world is just coming to realize that
the old ways of doing business are not working any more. The "Great
Recession" that we are just coming out of is a great example of old ways
that worked at one time, and no longer work for today’s world. We have
to change and our business ways have to change. And, that means that WE
HAVE TO CHANGE also. Like it or not. Ready or not.
In our business, we’ve been "ahead of our time" quite a few
times, which can be just as frustrating as trying to make things go the way we
want. It’s really nice to see that the rest of the world has caught up
and we’re now "in sync" with what is happening all over the planet.
- What in your world is moving well as an example the right timing?
- What is not working well for you?
- Are you pushing too hard when people aren’t ready or a situation isn’t
ready? Are you trying to force
something to happen rather than setting up a situation that will allow
it to happen easily at the right time?
- Are you frustrated because things are not working the way you want them
- Have you considered whether what you want is really the right thing at the
right time?
- Could there be a different way to accomplish what you want?
- Does it have to be done now or are there other things that need to happen
so that it can fall into place easily?
- Recognize that there is a time for everything. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under
heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to
uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to
build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to
dance . . ."
- When planning a meeting or a project or a crucial conversation or a
personal event, pay attention to how others react. If they are resistant,
acknowledge that maybe now is not the right time.
- Pay attention to what needs to be done to get people ready to accept your
proposal or your suggestions or your ideas or your plans, and allow time for
people to adjust.
- If you are feeling frustrated or judgmental, ask yourself what you really
want. Step back from your strong desire to push forward and see if you are
just trying to control a situation that cannot be pushed. Allow time to
listen to yourself, your body and to others about whether the timing is
right. If it is not, give up the struggle for a while and do something else.
- Practice listening to others, watching their body language, verbal clues
and other signs about whether they are on the same wavelength as you are.
they are not, try a different approach. Or, maybe give up your position and
see if you can change to adapt to the situation.
- Organize your "to do" list using the A-B-C method. "A"
items must be done today; "B" items are those that can wait a
while or need more time. "C" items can wait until you are ready.
Most people will learn that there are really only a few "A" items.
Every day, decide what is most important and get those done first. You will
feel a burst of energy and a great sense of accomplishment. Without
organization, most people have a huge list of things they think they
"should" do and find that most of them don’t get done. Lots of
things will eventually fall off your list if you prioritize. Or, maybe you
can delegate or hire someone else to handle some of them for you. Be willing
to let go of the stress of that huge "to do" list weighing on your
- Watch your reactions to changes or unexpected events. If someone changes
an appointment or a meeting, do you get angry? Or, do you recognize that
maybe something better is coming to replace that time slot. Or, do you feel
blessed not to have so much time committed and are able to use the time for
something you want to do.
- Some years ago, I took a workshop with José & Lena Stevens of Power
Path Seminars. We were asked to go out into nature and let nature talk to
us. I sat next to a mountain stream for a while and as I watched the water,
I got the message that there are many ways in our life that we can be like
the stream. The water flowed easily in some places, went over rocks in other
places, went around obstacles in other places. Sometimes the water went
fast, sometimes the water meandered slowly and sometimes it stood still.
learned ‘to find the easy way’ when I got frustrated, just like the
water. If I couldn’t get what I wanted by rushing or pushing, I could slow
down, go around an obstacle or over it or under it or wear it down. I didn’t
have to always push through it directly.
- Take time to slow down and listen to nature about what it might want to
tell you.
- Learn to find your own "easy way" in a situation that is
frustrating you.
- Start to notice "right timing" in your own life. Pay attention
to what you are doing that lets it be the right time and do more of that.
- Notice what situations seem to fall apart when you push too hard. Pay
attention to how you can adjust and see if you can transform them into
"right timing" situations that happen easily and effortlessly with
everyone feeling good about them.
- Practice, practice, practice to get better at right timing and allowing
yourself to flow with the energy of the Universe that wants to carry you
along to exactly the right place at the right time.
- Be grateful for everything that comes your way - no matter whether it's
what you think you want or not. Gratitude is the secret to so many
We wish you the perfect events at exactly the right time this
- Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- The Secret. Rhonda Byrne. Atria Books/Beyond Words, 2006.
1582701709 ISBN-13: 978-1582701707
- Timing is Everything. Dennis Waitley Pocket Books, 1996.
0671881027 ISBN-13: 978-0671881023
- Timing is Everything: Strategies for Reducing
Delays in Patient Care by Joint Commission Accreditation
Healthcare Organizations, 2007. ISBN-10:
1599401118 ISBN-13: 978-1599401119
- Kanban Just-In-Time at Toyota: Management Begins at the Workplace.
Mgmt Assoc (Ed ) (Translator), Productivity Press, 1986. ISBN-10:
0915299488 ISBN-13: 978-0915299485
- Just-in-Time Accounting: How to Decrease Costs
and Increase Efficiency. Steven
M. Bragg. Wiley 2009. ISBN-10:
0470403721 ISBN-13: 978-0470403723
- Just-in-Time: Making It Happen: Unleashing the
Power of Continuous Improvement. William
A. Sandras Wiley, 1989. ISBN-10:
0471132667 ISBN-13: 978-0471132660
- Manager's Desktop
Consultant: Just-in-Time Solutions to the Top People Problems That Keep
You Up at Night. Louellen N. Essex, Mitchell E. Kusy. Intercultural Press, 2007. ISBN-10:
0891062335 ISBN-13: 978-0891062332
- Doing It Right the First Time: A Short Guide to
Learning From Your Most Memorable Errors, Mistakes, and Blunders. Gerard
I. Nierenberg. Wiley, 1996. ISBN-10:
047114889X ISBN-13: 978-0471148890
- Getting It Right the First Time: How Innovative
Companies Anticipate Demand. Peter Christy, John
Katsaros. Praeger, 2008. ISBN-10:
0313351546 ISBN-13: 978-0313351549
- Mastering the Hype Cycle: How to Choose the
Right Innovation at the Right Time . Jackie
Fenn. Harvard Business School Press, 2008. ISBN-10:
1422121100 ISBN-13: 978-1422121108
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor. Lulu.com,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website: www.income-without-a-job.com.
Tap into your own creativity and use your full potential. Learn
how to see opportunities that others miss.
Related newsletter articles:
May 2007 - The Law of Attraction at
May 2008 - Work-Life Balance
September 2004 - Stress Busters:
Managing Stress in the Workplace
July 2001 - Balancing Life and Work
May 2002 - Stress: How It Affects The
Roles We Play
October, 1997 - Power and Corporate
August 2009 - Finding Support During
Challenging Times
There is no answer to
any of these questions. It's a matter of time and timing, of seas and
seasons, of breathing in and breathing out. It's a matter of balance
... Peter McWilliams.
There is a time for
and a season for every activity under
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
... Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.”
... William Shakespeare - Julius Caesar
Life is all about timing ...
the unreachable becomes reachable,
the unavailable become available,
the unattainable ... attainable.
Have the patience, wait it out.
It's all about timing.
... Stacey Charter
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear
... Buddha
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links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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