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September, 1998 - Update: The Year
2000 Challenge
- Update to the Year 2000 challenge — addressing small
business and home computer owners
- Some DOs and DON'Ts
- Risks for small businesses and home computer users
- Rewards of starting early
- Resources - Links to Internet resources on the Y2k issue
Links to our previous Year 2000 newsletter (July 1997)
- Humor - Fatal Flaw: a little story to set the tone
- The 3 Rs of Year 2000 - Risk, Reward and Resources
- Managing a Year 2000 Project - Tips for Success, Formulas for
- Case Studies - Case Studies of Year 2000 efforts
- Questions and Answers - Frequently asked questions
- Try it for yourself - A few minutes and you'll know about one
desktop computer - yours
- Resources - Links to Internet resources on the Y2k issue
In a little more than a year since we wrote our last article on this topic, the subject
of "Year 2000" has become a news topic for the general public. Almost every day
now, there are articles declaring the coming end of the world due to the "Y2k
In this article, we'd like to address the subject in a way that provides some realistic
planning that we believe is necessary as well as try to dispel the hysteria that many
people may be feeling due to the number of alarming news reports.
- DON'T panic.
We expect there will be some disruptions of service throughout
our country in the early days of January, 2000. They may be the impact of a hurricane, a
flood, a union strike or a major storm in localized business activities or localized
industries. These are common events in our lives and we know how to deal with them. Yes,
they may be very uncomfortable for some people, but not everyone will be affected. Nor,
will all computer systems fail at once. There have been years of preparation and work to
prevent failures. Still, there are some companies and some computers that will likely
fail, due to lack of planning or oversight. These will be fixed as quickly as humanly
possible by those responsible.
DO be a calm influence on your friends, family and co-workers. Some people
will be frightened by their own internal fears. Please do yourself and humanity a
bit favor by not adding to such hysteria. If you have leadership talent or
responsibilities, please be calm and help others deal with things in a practical and safe
DO some practical preparation. Make sure you have extra candles or flashlight
batteries in your home or place of business. Make sure you have groceries and some extra
cash on hand, rather than waiting until New Year's Eve to go to the store or the bank.
DON'T draw all of your money out of the bank or sell all your stocks out of fear.
Creating a run on the banks or the stock market will not help you nor will it help our
country in the long run. The entire banking industry is going overboard in 1998 to make
sure that they have checked and re-checked their computers to prevent any possible Year
2000 problems. The stock markets have performed extensive tests of their computer systems
to make sure there will be no problems. The US Treasury is preparing to have extra money
printed and distributed to banks well in advance of the new year, so keep that in mind.
DO gather important documents. Make sure you have paper copies of your most
important financial papers (insurance policies, bank statements, credit card statements,
loans, mortgages, health records, tax returns, etc.).
DO check your computer for possible Year 2000 date problems. There has been a
great deal of attention to the Year 2000 problem for large corporate computers, and little
attention to small business or home computers as yet. A few products are now reaching
retail stores that are designed to address this area. See the resources page for links to
some good information and Internet resources.
- DON'T wait until next year. As greater awareness grows, companies are
being asked to answer more and more questions about their Year 2000 compliance.
- DO be proactive! Once you have determined that your company is Year 2000
compliant, let your customers know. They will appreciate knowing that.
- DO ask your vendors and suppliers about their Year 2000 status. Since this
problem affects so many people, you may be completely compliant yourself and still have
problems if your suppliers shut down.
- DO get good information. Talk to your industry trade groups or chamber of
commerce if you need additional resources, or start a discussion yourself on what others
are doing.
We assume that those reading this newsletter topic have at least some idea what the
"Year 2000 Challenge" means. For background information and other resources, see
Resources page).
Risk - Small Businesses:
All small businesses should check their computers for possible Year 2000 problems. This
includes especially: checking the BIOS clock (the main computer clock); customer,
inventory or product databases; financial programs, accounting programs; other software
(i.e., MS Word, Excel, Lotus 123, etc) and all spreadsheets for possible date
calculation errors.
Remember, that there are still computers being built today (September 1, 1998) that DO
NOT yet have Year 2000 compliant motherboards, so be sure to check yours. There are some
new methods for re-setting the dates if your computer is not already compliant. (See the resources page for help in this area).
Many people forget that the Year 2000 issue affects many different non-computer
devices: time clocks, digital clocks, security alarms and security systems, elevators,
light controls, telephone systems, answering machines, fax machines, copiers, VCRs,
pagers. You should check these as well as your computers.
If you are a manufacturing company, be sure to check all your equipment for possible
embedded chips that have date controls. If you are not sure, ask the manufacture or
supplier for confirmation that their products are Year 2000 compliant. Many companies are
offering upgrades or updates, so ask if those are available.
Risks - Home computer owners:
Home computer users should check their computers as soon as possible. If you have old
software or an old computer system, you might consider upgrading or buying a new computer.
Prices have dropped considerably over the last few years and you may find some real
If that is not an option, do check anyway so that you know what your risks might be.
For example, on very old systems, you may have to change the date every time you start up
the computer after the Year 2000 rollover (this was a normal process on the first desktop
If your software is not Year 2000 compliant and your budget does not allow for updates,
you will want to be sure to check your date calculations extra closely after the Year
2000. Many programs will not fail, even with old dates and old computers. You won't know
until you check them.
If you have a new computer, take the time to check whether it has any problems. There
are many free programs available that will do that for you or you can purchase programs
that will be available shortly in retail computer stores. As yet, there is a limited
selection, but many companies are working on new products for home computer users.
has recently released some new wizards for Excel 97 that check and fix dates in
spreadsheets - these are especially useful for older spreadsheet files. The Cinderella Project website has
very good information that is easily understood by non-computer folks.
The rewards of knowing your Year 2000 exposure early are obvious. With sufficient time,
you can plan for changes, upgrade your computer and other systems, correct your data files
and prepare to meet the Century with some confidence.
If you wait until the last minute, hardware and software upgrades may be stuck in
back-order and vendor support will be more expensive (if available at all). The cost will
climb as demand outstrips available resources (computer programmers, project managers,
vendors, consultants). Shortages of technical consultants have been occurring for the last
As mentioned above, some new resources are becoming available for small businesses and
home computer owners. This should continue into mid-1999, when we expect to see rising
prices as we get closer to the date change.
for small business owners and home computer owners (updated October, 1999)
Status of our company's Year 2000
compliance - (Year2000.htm)
Our book is available - More about The Other Side of
Midnight, 2000: An Executive Guide to the Year 2000 Problem - Introduction, Cover Graphic, Table of Contents, About the
Authors, The 3 Rs of Year 2000, Our 20
Tips for Year 2000 Project Success
Direct order.
This site is http://www.itstime.com/sep98.htm
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Page updated: May 11, 2023