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Major thanks to Emily Baumbach for permission to use
information from Celebrities, Volume I - January, 1996, (see books
for ordering information)
For each person listed, overleaves are shown (in bold) in
the following order:
Leonardo DaVinci. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Teaching,
Center: Intellectual, Attitude: Skeptic, Mode: Observation, Goal: Growth,
Dragon: Stubbornness, Influence: Scholar
Rodney Dangerfield. Role: Sage, Perspective: Relating,
Center: Moving, Attitude: Skeptic, Mode: Aggression, Goal: Acceptance,
Dragon: Self-Deprecation, Influence: Scholar
Ram Dass. Role: Server, Perspective: Teaching,
Center: Emotional:,
Attitude: Spiritualist, Mode: Reserve, Goal: Acceptance, Dragon: Self-Deprecation,
Influence: Sage
Bette Davis. Role: Warrior, Perspective: Competing, Center:
Intellectual, Attitude: Cynic, Mode: Reserve, Goal: Discrimination,
Dragon: Arrogance, Influence: Sage
Sammy Davis, Jr.. Role: Sage, Perspective: Competing,
Center: Intellectual, Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Acceptance,
Dragon: Self-Deprecation, Influence: King
Daniel Day-Lewis. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Relating.
Howard Dean. Role: Priest, Perspective: Relating.
Influence: Warrior. [Former Governor of Vermont]
Dom DeLouise. Role: Sage, Perspective: Relating, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Acceptance, Dragon: Self-Deprecation,
Influence: Artisan
Natalya (Natasha) Demkina. Role: Scholar, Perspective: Teaching,
Mode: Observation, Goal: Dominance,
Attitude: Stoic, Influences: Artisan, Priest, Server (Russian
teenage girl who is amazing medical authorities with her accurate medical
Judi Dench. Role: Warrior, Perspective: Relating,
Mode: Perseverance, Goal: Discrimination,
Dragon: Stubbornness, Influence: King
Leonardo DiCaprio. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Relating.
Robert DeNiro. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Relating,
Center: Emotional, Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Aggression, Goal: Dominance,
Dragon: Arrogance, Influence: Warrior
Johnny Depp. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Relating, Attitude:
Cynic, Mode: Reserve, Goal: Discrimination,
Dragon: Arrogance
Danny DeVito. Role: Sage, Perspective: Relating, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Acceptance, Dragon: Greed,
Influence: Artisan
James Dean. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Relating, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Cynic, Mode: Caution, Goal: Submission, Dragon: Martyrdom,
Influence: King
John Denver. Role: Server, Perspective: Teaching, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Perseverance, Goal: Submission, Dragon: Greed,
Influence: Warrior
Bo Derek. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Competing, Center: Moving,
Attitude: Spiritualist, Mode: Reserve, Goal: Submission, Dragon: Arrogance,
Influence: Warrior
Neil Diamond. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Competing,
Center: Emotional, Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Submission,
Dragon: Greed, Influence: Priest
Princess Diana. Role: Priest, Perspective: Relating,
Center: Moving, Attitude: Realist, Mode: Reserve, Goal: Submission,
Dragon: Self-Deprecation , Influence: Artisan (Princess of Wales,
former wife of Prince Charles of England, Diana died in a tragic car crash August 31, 1997
in Paris at age 36, with her companion, Dodi Fayed)
Charles Dickens. Role: Sage, Perspective: Relating, Center:
Emotional, Attitude: Skeptic, Mode: Passion, Goal: Growth,
Dragon: Impatience, Influence: Artisan
Walt Disney. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Relating, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Perseverance, Goal: Acceptance, Dragon: Self-Deprecation,
Influence: Sage
Elizabeth Dole. Role: King, Perspective: Competing, Center:
Intellectual, Attitude: Realist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Dominance,
Dragon: Greed, Influence: Warrior
Robert Dole. Role: Scholar, Perspective: Competing, Center:
Emotional, Attitude: Stoic, Mode: Caution, Goal: Submission,
Dragon: Self-Deprecation, Influence: Warrior
Saint Dominic. Role: Priest, Perspective: Competing,
Center: Emotional, Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Dominance,
Dragon: Self-Deprecation, Influence: Sage
Fats Domino. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Relating, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Dominance, Dragon: Self-Deprecation,
Influence: Sage
Don Juan Matus. Role: Warrior, Perspective: Teaching,
Center: Moving, Attitude: Spiritualist, Mode: Power, Goal: Dominance,
Dragon: Stubbornness, Influence: Priest
Phil Donahue. Role: Server, Perspective: Teaching, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Growth, Dragon: Self-Deprecation,
Influence: Scholar
Michael Douglas. Role: Sage, Perspective: Relating, Center:
Moving, Attitude: Realist, Mode: Aggression, Goal: Dominance,
Dragon: Greed, Influence: Warrior
Robert Downing Jr. Role: Scholar,
Perspective: Relating, Center Intellectual, Goal: Growth,
Dragons: Impatience Self-Destruction, Influence: Artisan
Count Dracula. Role: Priest, Perspective: Rule-making, Center:
Instinctive, Attitude: Stoic, Mode: Power, Goal: Dominance,
Dragon: Greed, Influence: Warrior
Fran Drescher. Role: Sage, Perspective: Competing, Center: Intellectual,
Attitude: Skeptic, Mode: Reserve, Goal: Dominance, Dragon: Greed,
Influence: Warrior
Kitty Dukakis. Role: Artisan, Perspective: Relating,
Center: Emotional, Attitude: Spiritualist, Mode: Reserve, Goal: Submission,
Dragon: Self-Deprecation, Influence: Priest
Michael Dukakis. Role: Scholar, Perspective: Relating,
Center: Intellectual, Attitude: Pragmatist, Mode: Power, Goal: Growth,
Dragon: Greed, Influence: Artisan
Patty Duke. Role: Sage, Perspective: Relating, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Growth, Dragon: Self-Deprecation,
Influence: Scholar
Wayne Dyer. Role: Sage, Perspective: Teaching, Center: Emotional,
Attitude: Idealist, Mode: Passion, Goal: Acceptance, Dragon: Greed,
Influence: Priest
Bob Dylan. Role: Priest, Perspective: Relating, Center: Intellectual,
Attitude: Cynic, Mode: Passion, Goal: Discrimination, Dragon: Greed,
Influence: Warrior
* Caveat: The
teachers of this system do not always agree on the personality traits of
famous people, so use this information like anything else - validate it
for yourself and use it as a source of study, not as absolute
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Page updated: May 11, 2023