September 2003 - Dealing with Difficult People (Recognizing & Working with
Personality Dragons)
- Definition of Personality
- The Greed Dragon
- The Impatience Dragon
- The Arrogance Dragon
- The Stubbornness Dragon
- The Self-Deprecation Dragon
- The Martyrdom Dragon
- The Self-Destruction
- Resources (links, books, articles, humor)
Recognizing & Working with
Personality Dragons
This month's article is another in our occasional subject of Dealing with Difficult
People. We cover some of the ways you may feel or react to other people's
Personality dragons, as well as how to change your communication style to work
more effectively with them.
Personality dragons are habits, behaviors and personality traits caused by
underlying fears that keep people from being successful. There are seven
When out of control, they become self-fulfilling prophecies:
- Greed � Lose everything you want
- Impatience � Slows you down
- Arrogance � People judge you
- Stubbornness � Brings authority down on your head.
- Self-Deprecation � Others put you down
- Martyrdom � Provokes others to hurt you
- Self Destruction � Lose control ultimately.
[For more details about the dragons, see the Resources section.]
How you may feel or react when
encountering someone with this dragon:
You may feel sorry for them and keep trying to give them things to compensate
for them never having enough, especially when they panic, run out of money, lose
their home, their car breaks down, they don�t get enough attention, etc.
Or, you may want to keep things from them � not leave valuables around, not
allow them to attend meetings, not tell them things, feel invaded by their
neediness, etc.
How it hurts the person:
Greed tends to fixate on something � money, time, attention, food, things,
etc. Symptoms can be hoarding things, binge/purge, anorexia/bulimia, lack
of pleasure in what is accumulated, constantly looking for �more� of
whatever they are fixated on. People seem to look hungry all the time.
If they fixate on money, they may accumulate a lot, then lose it
somehow. They may always be asking for loans, cannot seem to pay their
bills or may have credit problems. If they fixate on food, they may be the
first in line and last in line, always take the biggest piece, try to keep
others from having what they want, etc.
People with Greed slide to Self-Destruction occasionally.
How it affects the workplace:
Poor decision-making, lost opportunities because they push too hard or want
too much, low morale, lack of responsibility, bankruptcy, never being satisfied
no matter what is given (time off, money, promotions, more influence, etc.),
never being grateful for what they do have.
How to improve communication:
A person with greed is always afraid they will be left out, so may show
interest even when they are not really interested. Include them when it is
appropriate. Make sure they do not dominate all the time in meetings or
grab all the attention. They need firm limit setting. Say no if
appropriate. Make them follow the usual procedures for advancement and not
expect special treatment. Treat them with respect and kindness, just like
everyone else.
How you may feel or react when
encountering someone with this dragon:
People feel pushed by someone with impatience and tend to slow down �
rather than hurry up � as the impatient person wants. Managers may
demand, �I want it yesterday,� which leads to disrespect by their employees
who come to assume that all the manager�s demands are unreasonable. Or,
people may try to rush with the impatient person and make mistakes, or later
find out that they should have waited.
How it hurts the person:
People with impatience are never in the present. They are always
thinking about what is coming up, worrying about being late, never enjoy what
they have or where they are.
People with Impatience will slide to Martyrdom occasionally.
How it affects the workplace:
They make mistakes due to rushing, have accidents, interrupt other people,
take on more than they can handle, are late to meetings or miss deadlines
because they tend to over-commit. They can offend others who don�t
respect their deadlines or promises. They miss what is in front of them
because their mind is always somewhere else or worrying about something in the
How to improve communication:
Remember that people with impatience are afraid because time might run out
before they get to do what they want to do. Ask them to slow down when
talking. Make them repeat themselves. Try to get them to look at you
during communications. Be patient with them and be a role model for
them. Remind them that there is plenty of time to do whatever is
needed. Help them make or set realistic deadlines. If they take on
too much, help them cut down their �to do� list.
How you may feel or react when
encountering someone with this dragon:
You may want to smack them for being so obnoxious. You may want to
criticize them, call them names or talk in disrespectful ways about them.
You may want to break through their arrogance and tell them how you really
think. People are rarely honest with an arrogant person. They may
tell them off or not give any clues about what you think � both are dishonest
How it hurts the person:
Underneath their brave exterior, they feel inferior and insecure.
Arrogant people are very self-conscious. Because of their fear, they have
too much attention on themselves. They can be very shy. They want to
be �special� but are afraid they will be overlooked or ignored so they feel
they have to brag and strut to get approval from others.
They cover their shyness, self-consciousness and aloofness by trying to
appear perfect so they will not be criticized. They may have been
subjected to very harsh criticism and have learned to defend themselves.
They can be very critical and judgmental of others.
People with Arrogance slide to Self-Deprecation occasionally.
How it affects the workplace:
They are very defensive, very critical of others, holding themselves aloof as
a protective barrier from being judged. They project a protective barrier
between others and are afraid to relax. That means all their energy is
focused on themselves instead of the other person.
They don�t hear what you say and respond based on their own pre-conceived
notions rather than on the actual situation. They may make statements that
seem to be full of confidence even when they are completely wrong. They
will refuse to accept the blame or responsibility for anything that is wrong or
for being responsible for miscommunications.
How to improve communication:
Never humiliate them or put them down in front of co-workers. You can
praise them publicly, but criticize them in private if needed. Give them
your complete attention. Gently remind them that they are part of the
team. Help them get the focus off themselves by asking them how they can
support their customers, co-workers or team members. Help them acknowledge
the contributions of others in addition to themselves. Never offer
criticism without offering praise first. Do not surprise them. Give
them plenty of time to give their best efforts. Be warm and friendly even
when they seem aloof. Let them know it�s OK to be human. Help them
feel connected to others, the group, the team, etc. Compliment them in a
gentle and sincere way.
How you may feel or react when
encountering someone with this dragon:
People will try to push the stubborn person harder to get them to move
faster. Or, they may become more stubborn themselves, leading to a
How it hurts the person:
Stubborn people resist changes that threaten their sense of security.
They stall on giving answers and participating in their workplace as a team
member. They may grit their teeth or become upset easily when someone want
to change something. They tend to say �no� very quickly without
listening to what is being asked of them. When pushed or rushed, they get
may angry and dig in their heels even more.
People with Stubbornness can slide to any of the other dragons more easily.
How it affects the workplace:
Stubborn people become known as roadblocks to progress, ridiculed or ignored
until it�s too late. Then, they become even more difficult because they
are being pushed even more. They can sabotage projects, avoid decisions
and create havoc for others who need to get things done.
How to improve communication:
Remember that a stubborn person is feeling afraid that you might want to
change something that they are attached to. They may feel that that you
are too controlling for them.
Give the person extra time to adjust to whatever is changing. Don�t
surprise them. Never make sudden demands. Give them options and
choices. Be casual in your approach. Be calm with them. Ask
them for input on issues, rather than telling them what to do.
How you may feel or react when
encountering someone with this dragon:
You may want to blame them or make derogatory comments about them. You
may ignore them, not feel sympathy for them, bypass them because they usually
won�t/don�t participate, not want to embarrass them, not praise them because
they always get flustered by it.
How it hurts the person:
They have a constant fear of failing or being embarrassed. They will
not volunteer for assignments or projects they are capable of handling.
They are always blaming themselves or putting themselves down,
People with Self-Deprecation slide to Arrogance occasionally.
How it affects the workplace:
Because they may feel unworthy, they may feel responsible for things that are
not their fault, make excuses for their own failings or become defensive when
questioned about anything, whether it is there fault or not. It is hard
for them be active participants on a team because they are also so defensive or
apologetic. They may not take on their share of the team
responsibility. They usually have trouble asking for help when they need
it so others on the team may not know when they get into trouble.
How to improve communication:
Point out their strengths. Thank them for their contributions.
Don�t let them engage in self-deprecating talk. Don�t let them
apologize unnecessarily. Don�t make up things that are not true to
over-compensate for their lack of confidence. Never humiliate them in a
meeting or in front of their co-workers. Never shame them. Try not
to put too much pressure on them in front other others. Provide them with
a respectful, supporting, kind approach.
How you may feel or react when
encountering someone with this dragon:
You may want to sympathize with their problems and go along with
them that the world is out to get them. You may feel exhausted after
spending time in their presence because they are always so sad and
unhappy. You may want to run away from them, not invite them to meetings
or events because their attitude is always so negative. You may cringe
when they start complaining. They often have a whiney tone of voice that
irritates people.
How it hurts the person:
They feel like they have no choices � that they are trapped. It
immobilizes them and keeps them from taking action or making choices that would
solve the problems they seem to experience. Disasters and bad luck seem to
follow them around.
People with Martyrdom will slide to Impatience occasionally.
How it affects the workplace:
People complain a lot and are always talking about their problems, which are
numerous. They manipulate others into feeling sorry for them or taking on
their responsibilities. Their ability to work on a team is damaged because
no one wants to work with them due to their bad attitude. They waste an
incredible amount of energy that could be directed toward productive
endeavors. They can drag an entire office down with their constant
complaining and whining.
How to improve communication:
Remember that people with martyrdom are afraid of being victims. They
are fairly convinced that they will have to work too hard and that others will
get away with things while they do not. They try to be extra good and yet
resent it at the same time.
Don�t let them volunteer for extra work. Don�t take advantage of
their hard-working nature. Be kind and generous with them. Don�t
fall for their endless crisis, unending problems and apparent bad luck.
Hold them accountable. Help them to see that they have other options and
choices. Help them to see their responsibility for a problem they are
having. Require them to take their complaints to someone who can help
them. Don�t bail them out.
How you may feel or react when
encountering someone with this dragon:
You may feel a sense of impending loss of control when you are with them or
thinking about them. You may feel afraid for their safety or health and
well-being. You may feel a sense of hopelessness to help them. You
may have a feeling of being unable to help them, a feeling of pity, loss or
confusion about what they are doing. You may have a fear that they won�t
be able to get through whatever is going on with them.
People have a look of panic in their eyes and give off a feeling of panic or
desperation. They may express that their life has no meaning or does not
make sense to them.
How it hurts the person:
Self-Destruction can result in drug addiction, alcoholism, excessive smoking,
suicide attempts, dangerous or illegal activities, brawling, recklessness and
other self-destructive behaviors. It can also show up as destruction of
their own belongings or those of others, or physical/personal assaults on others
such as fighting or attacking others in extreme cases. Rock stars that do
drugs are good examples.
People with Self-Destruction slide to Greed occasionally.
How it affects the workplace:
In the workplace, self-destruction results in sabotage, inattention, time
loss, poor decisions and accidents, as well as losses due to substance
abuse. People with self-destruction are rarely team players.
How to improve communication:
Recognize the signs of self-destruction. Remember that underneath the
person feels desperate and out-of-control but may appear cavalier to cover it
up. Be firm with them and give a strong response. Never cover up for
them, hide their absence, drunkenness, drug use or theft. If you are the
supervisor, take strong and appropriate disciplinary action with warnings of
future consequences. Follow through. They need to have strong limits
set for them; leniency does not help them.

The name �dragons� comes from fairy tales. Dragons are not
invincible and can be defeated. Personality Dragons never want to be seen and
they will do everything they can to disguise themselves or trick you � just
like fairy tale dragons. Facing them takes courage and defeating them
requires extreme courage and persistence.
When you push for personal growth, the dragons resist. Facing your own
fears and insecurities is the first step. Facing the dragon and telling
the truth is what beats the dragons. Only you can defeat the dragon and
you cannot do it alone � just like in fairy tales, where you must gain someone
else�s help to defeat the dragon.
Getting rid of personality dragons frees up tremendous energy and vitality
that can be directed toward being more successful. Moving beyond the
dragons unleashes your natural gifts, talents and abilities.
Adapted by Barbara Taylor, a certified Power Path trainer, from the �Transforming
Your Dragons at Work� workshops by Jose & Lena Stevens, Power Path
Seminars, Santa Fe, New Mexico (2002).
The book Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Fear Patterns into Personal Power
by Jose Stevens is available at major bookstores.
Books -
Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into Personal Power.
Jose Stevens. Bear & Co; (July 1994) ISBN: 1879181177
An excellent book devoted entirely to the subject of the dragons.
The book
covers how the dragons develop in childhood, how they affect your relationships, your
life, your body, your health, your creativity and your spirituality. In addition, it
contains excellent exercises for slaying your dragons and recognizing the dragons in
Other books with information about the dragons:
About our resource links:
We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in these links. We do keep
an open mind about different viewpoints and respect the ability of our readers
to decide for themselves what is useful.
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