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October 2009 - What is Your Primary Color?
- What is Your Primary Color
- Case Study: How we used the Primary Color Assessment
- Tips for using in the Primary Color Assessment for Team Building
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
is Your Primary Color? And How Will This Knowledge Impact Your Career?
by Rick Smith
Are you in a job that leverages your strengths and
passions every day?
As your career continues on its current direction, are
you getting closer to your ideal role, or farther away from it?
Are you willing to invest 15 minutes of your life to find out?
I am excited to debut the Primary Color Assessment online at www.primarycolorassessment.com.
This tool was conceived from a single insight I had 8 years ago, and developed
and tested since that time in partnership with a leading industrial
psychologist. For a limited time, I am making it available to everyone for
First, Some Background
In early 2000, while conducting research for a white paper on leadership, I
became increasingly frustrated with the amount of complexity associated with
describing human ability (and the resulting absence of usefulness). In a
cab leaving LaGuardia airport, I noticed a billboard with three overlapping
circles representing the primary colors, and wondered, "Why is there not a
similarly simplistic model with which we can understand and analyze our own
In the cab, I scribbled down on a napkin this image:

I then completed the diagram with the logical extensions (leadership combined
with execution is management, leadership with curiosity is creativity,

Over the next several years, I continued to refine and test this model,
eventually using this framework to develop a spectrum of ability. Working
with psychologists and other experts, I was able to mathematically map distinct
sets of behaviors onto specific sections of the spectrum …

Now, this assessment can help you identify your own unique Primary Color –
that point on the spectrum that is unique to your greatest strengths and
passions. It also allows you to identify the region of the spectrum that
your current job occupies – and highlights how close or far your primary color
is to that.
Close? Then you are more likely to be satisfied at work and developing
Far away? Likely frustrated and potentially stalled.

Additional research will even allow for the mapping of specific career paths
over time (in this case, a Business Consulting career), or to project what
types of jobs others with your color find the most satisfying as their career
progresses. The future applications of this tool are extremely exciting.

I am a Purple Heart. My
wife is an Electric Lime, and my
daughter is a Candy Apple Red.
What is your Primary Color? Take the test now and find out!
Source: Copyright © 2009, Rick Smith. Used with permission of
A group we work with were introduced to the primary colors assessment website
recently and used it for a one-hour training / discussion. We found a great variety of colors and had great fun
learning about the colors for people in the group as well.
The short exercise was a resounding success. The delightful color names alone made
it worth while. The exercise reminded us what a great variety of talent we
have in this group and yet how well we work together. We talked about what
we could learn from this and how we can use the diversity to our advantage.
- Ask your work group to take the colors assessment at www.primarycolorassessment.com.
There are 2 quizzes: one for the primary color and another for the career
alignment. Takes about 10-15 minutes to answer the quizzes. In addition, each person is given a percentage of
their Leadership, Curiosity and Execution.
- Gather together and discuss what colors each person received for their primary
color and career clusters. Share your percentages on the 3 categories
- Think about what it tells you about your group and the diversity or
similarity of people in the group.
- Compare the results of this assessment to other team building or
personality tests that you all might have taken.
- Enjoy the process of learning and growing together, allowing it to put a
bright sparkle in your day and see how a bit of fun can be very useful to
team building.
- As your group works with the colors and the descriptions, what can you
learn about each person's strong interests and how they fit with their
current position?
- Take a look at adjusting jobs, assignments, duties and responsibilities to
make the most of each person's strengths and natural abilities. When
people are working from their strengths and talents, they flourish and the
organization benefits immeasurably as well. We have included a number
of resources to help identify people's strengths in addition to the Primary
Colors Assessment.
Wishing our readers a delightful, colorful
adventure this month. If you take the Primary
Color Assessment, we'd like to hear from you
about your experience, what your colors are and what you learned about
Footnote: Barbara Taylor's color is Royal Straight
("Intuitive Interaction") with the Career Cluster as Yellow
("Adaptability"). My Strengths are: Maximizer, Arranger,
Individualization and Empathy. In our Personality Game, my role is
with Artisan and Scholar influences - more details.
- Disclosure: We get a small
commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- The Leap: How 3 Simple Changes
Can Propel Your Career from Good to Great by Rick Smith. Portfolio, 2009. ISBN-10:
1591842565 ISBN-13: 978-1591842569
- Now, Discover Your Strengths, Marcus Buckingham and Donald
Clifton. Free Press, 2001. ISBN: 0743201140
- First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently,
Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman Simon & Schuster, 1999. ISBN: 0684852861
- 7 Personality Types: Discover Your True Role in Achieving Success and
Happiness. Elizabeth Puttick, PhD. Hay House, 2009.
US version: ISBN-10:
1401924565 ISBN-13: 978-1401924560 www.7personalitytypes.com
- The Personality Puzzle: Solving the Mystery of Who You Are. Jose Stevens, JP Van
Hulle. Pivotal Resources; (December 1990) ASIN: 0942663063
- Income Without a Job: Living Well Without a Paycheck. Michael
Jay Anthony, Barbara J. Taylor. Lulu.com,
2008 ISBN-13:
978-0-557-00377-8. Website: www.income-without-a-job.com.
Tap into your own creativity and use your full potential. Learn
how to see opportunities that others miss.
Related articles on this website:
March 1997 - Creativity at Work
March 2001 - Finding the Perfect Job
for You
August 1999 - It's the Manager ...
November 2001 - The Essence of
October 2005 - Great Management and
October 1996 - Management Styles
The Personality Game - Playing
the Personality Game
May 2007 - The Law of Attraction at
May 2007 - Affirmation and
Positive Quotes
February 2007 - Visioning for the
April 1998 - Vision: Expanding Your
August 2006 - Leadership Vision
September 2006 - The Power of
2009 - Life Roles in the Workplace
About our resource
links: We do not endorse or agree with all the beliefs in
these links. We do keep an open mind about different viewpoints and
respect the ability of our readers to decide for themselves what is useful.
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